The Boys of Everest - Book Review

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
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Near the Adirondack Blue Line
I'm most of the way through this, and have read enough to want to share it with others.
The Boys of Everest was published in late 2006 and written by Clint Willis.
For those of you who are into expedition books or some of the mountaineering exploits from the 70's into the early 90's, this is book tells the stories of the climbing superheroes surrounding Chris Bonington.

There're all in there: Don Whillans, John Harlin, Tom Patey, Doug Scott, Mick Burke, Martin Boysen, Dougal Haston, Pete Boardman, Joe Tasker, Nick Estcourt, and many others.
It begins with Chris and is the story of how he enters and grows in the sport of mountaineering and expedition management, with the names of the Continental and Brit climbers who accompanied him. While there are books already written about some of the expeditions written about here, this book weaves the history all together in a narrative that shows how mountaineering grew during this period in time.
Even as a fan of expedition books, I found this a thoroughly enjoyable read and would recommend it to others. If the book has a fault, its that the photos are lacking. Not enough, and done in grainy b&w. Willis probably chose this route as the book is 500+ pp long, and extensive photos and color ones at that would have driven up the price considerably.
As I mentioned, I'm not thru with it, but have read enough to recommend it to you.