The entire AT in one day!

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Jason Berard

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2006
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N. Thetford, VT Avatar: Cabot, winter 2011
Dartmouth Outing Club is planning on hiking the entire AT in one day, on October 10th in celebration of their centennial. There are still some sections that are open to sign up for, so if you want to be a part of a cool, if highly improbable stunt, then check out the AT in a Day page at
I guess participants will be honorary DOC members for a day.:)

I'm signed up for Goose Eye. IT should be a really fun event! Check it out.
LOL, I thought this post was going to be about farmer or matts or Adventurous and 7Summits some of out other high-speed folks. I figured someone had sprouted wings...

Haha, and I thought Jason was going to say he flew a plane over the entire route.

Cool idea though, but seems like it'll be extremely difficult to do the entire thing. It'll be really cool if they can do 80 or 90% or more of it.
If they make me a voluntary member for that one day and let me reserve a space in the Dartmouth College Grant cabin for a future date, I am in for a days section. ;)
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