The Golden Road near Baxter

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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Gorham NH
While up at Baxter last week, I took the cut over to the Golden Road south of the park gate to run into Millinocket (on a sunday morning). My general impressions were that at least this stretch of the Golden road is currently beat to death even compared to a few years ago. In some spots they appear to have given up patching it and have ripped out the paving and graded it what is left . Compared to previous years where some traffic was running 70 mph plus, it was hard to go much more then 40 MPH and in some spots the potholes require a lot slower. I expect its "tragedy of the commons" issue where everyone uses it but non are responsible for it. I expect in general there isn't a lot of wood being cut and hauled to Millinocket these days so why keep it in good shape. Maybe when the Torrefaction plant in Millinocket goes to full production that it may make sense to fix it.