The Sisiters of Mt. Chocorua and the Steam Mill Brook drainage valley

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Dec 3, 2004
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..Madison, NH
Hiked Champney Falls Trail, Middle Sister Cut-Off, Middle Sister Trail to the saddle of Mt. Blue, then bushwacked down the Steam Mill Brook drainage valley area.

Here's a view north from the old slide along the MS Cut-Off...


The Sisters are awesome for rhodora. many pollenators are out in force. I even had a very close encounter with a hummingbird at 3,200' while quietly watching this butterfly!


blueberry and billberry(?) blossoms abound as well...


From the junction of Carter Ledge Trail, the Middle Sister Trail see very little use...



a nice view ledge along the trail...


a huge hawk cruising around the summits...( not enough time to draw the big lens )


happy trails :)
Awesome Rhodora shots...really wanted to get up there this weekend...but there are too few days in said weekend. Thanks for taking me there! Great shots!
Patrick, it almost goes without saying, but those are simply terrific photos!

By any chance, when you bushwhacked down the Steam Mill Brook Valley, did you take a side trip over to that tiny body of water named Moose Pond that's located about 0.6 mile NNE of Mt. Blue? It's a very cozy and picturesque spot. And, as the name implies it seems to be frequented by moose! I didn't spot any actual moose when I was there, but there's a lot of moose poop at that location and the surrounding area!
Thanks all...John, no, I intended to visit the Moose Pond and I remember your last photos from last year which were very nice. But I tend to wander around, easily distracted by sights and sounds that catch my interest, and next thing I knew I realized I was well below the pond and decided to just keep going. It's a very pretty area.

happy trails :)