They just dont come no better than a bear

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New member
Apr 29, 2005
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Canterbury, NH
I'm still beaming about this one, fellas. I had my 3rd bear encounter of the summer this morning while walking along the RR tracks leading into Pondicherry. I saw momma with one cub behind her and a second one (not in the picture) right behind it.

I first saw momma bear 100+ yds ahead of me, grazing alongside the tracks. It disappeared into the woods, then reappeared with the young 'uns in tow, about 30 yards away. It did the "stop, look and listen" when it saw me - that's when I got it's picture - then continued on across the tracks back into the forest.

I saw a moose today too (Okay, it was on Rt 93 but that still counts, right?) along with an up close heron sighting at the lake and a flock of >20 turkeys in my backyard this morning as I was leaving.

And when I finally got back to my truck around 2pm, quite coincidently, there was this Lyle Lovett song cued up on my iPod;

Some folks drive the bears out of the wilderness
Some to see a bear would pay a fee
Me I just bear up to bewildered best
And some folks even see the bear in me
So meet a bear and take him out to lunch with you
And even though your friends may stop and stare
Just remember that's a bear there in the bunch with you
And they just don't come no better than a bear

What a day!

Very cool! I have yet to see a bear in the wild. I've looked, and others hiking near me have seen them, but no luck for me so far. I did see a moose on the trail for the first time last week. It was an amazing experience! Seeing Wildlife is one of the best things about hiking.
Nice Photos. I ran into 3 myself this year. I agree that seeing wildlife is certainly one of the reasons I'm out there.
Until this year I've only had one bear encounter and that was from the inside my car, coincidentally on Bear Notch rd.

This year I've had two encounters and neither time did I have my camera ready. The first time was in July on a car camping trip with my wife. We had a bear come to the edge of the campsite one evening while we were sitting by the fire. The second encounter was on the Langdon trail heading up to Mt. Parker earlier this month. The bear was off trail in the woods and wandered off as soon as he heard us.
Chip said:
:mad: still haven't seen one wild in the northeast, though I've missed them by moments...
Good on you though, cool pics ! :)

Chip, you missed the bear momma and 3 cubs when I missed ya at Mink Hollow!

dentonfabrics: Cute shots.... good thing a train wasn't coming.. :)

I see lots of bear butts, cause usually they run away and while fumbling for your camera, I get shots of bear butts...
