This might be a Good Winter!

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2005
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Lebanon, NH Avatar: Philosopher?
I don't know about you, but the cool weather got me into winter mode this weekend! While looking at some weather forums, I came across a neat thing....the northern hemisphere snow and ice chart. Check the
link here.

You'll notice that the snow in Siberia has expanded drastically over the past couple of days. That can help to forecast what type of winter we may have. which may be a cold, wintry one. In fact, scientists have developed a computer model showing that our temperatures are going to be below normal this winter. I think its because they expect the sea ice on the Arctic Ocean to expand a bit faster than usual this winter, but don't quote me. So keep your fingers crossed all you winter enthusiasts!

I need to clarify...I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with precipitation. I think it just has to do with cold. So the potential should be there for it to actually be cold enough to snow across all of New England. Let's see what actually happens. :)

grouseking said:
...In fact, scientists have developed a computer model showing...

Ummm...are these the same scientists whose computer models showed the 2006 hurricane season being even worse than 2005? "OK, we were wrong, but '07 will definitely top '05..." And on and on and on.

Living my whole life (minus one year) in New England has taught me a pretty solid lesson: Kinda believe the 1-day and 2-day forecast; acknowledge the 3-day and 4-day forecast. And laugh at anything predicted for 5 days and more. So seasonal predictions are worth what I paid for them.

Having said that, I hope you get whatever kind of wintry weather you hope for. I also hope to put several miles on the snowshoes this year.
I hope they're right. But after the last few winters I have a hard time believing we'll ever get any substantial snow before February anymore. Substantial snow, not followed by substantial rain that is. :(

Although I was in a snow shower yesterday on Mt. Israel, only 2630 feet!! Watched a big area of snowshowers from the Israel summit enshroud the Sandwich Range. Bring it on!!

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sapblatt said:
Yes - we cross our fingers for good weather and we cross them for bad weather - I do neither and it still rains! :)

I'm not a meteorologist...and have a hard time spelling it sometimes, but I think there is a correlation between having an early season snow cover up in Siberia, which in turn develops ice earlier on the Arctic, which in turn means there are more chances for nice Arctic cold fronts to come down and hit us, earlier, harder, and more often. Again, that has nothing to do with with winter storms, but at least it means it might be cold enough. I hope it is true.

Well ya never know what winter will be like until April they say....and along with the snowpack in Siberia and added upslope effect could really make something happen. All kidding aside grouseking I hope your right we are certainley due for a region wide whopper of a winter. Some positive mental energy along with some finger crossing can't hurt :D !
grouseking, I'm gonna look you up come February, with a beer in hand. If we do have a decent snowcover, I'll crack it open for you. If we don't, I'll crack it over your noggin for leading us on. ;)

I'm also reminded of what my uncle used to say when the fishing was slow: "Are you trying?" So, a challenge to all my fellow (would-be) snow travelers -- try real hard to help this come true. It's not just your winter fun at stake, it's grouseking's gray matter. (Come to think of it, the beer's not real helpful for that either way . . . )
sardog1 said:
grouseking, I'm gonna look you up come February, with a beer in hand. If we do have a decent snowcover, I'll crack it open for you. If we don't, I'll crack it over your noggin for leading us on. ;)

I'm also reminded of what my uncle used to say when the fishing was slow: "Are you trying?" So, a challenge to all my fellow (would-be) snow travelers -- try real hard to help this come true. It's not just your winter fun at stake, it's grouseking's gray matter. (Come to think of it, the beer's not real helpful for that either way . . . )

Make sure its northern New England's snowcover to give me a chance at survival, ok? :)

I'm just showing this to all. I hope it all comes true!!