Three Brothers and Big Slide- October 17

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Great hike with still a lot of colours in trees. After the 3rd brother, we were walking in the snow (there is about 1 foot of snow-not on the trail but it the wood) and one mile before summit, the path was icy-really icy. It's winter over there!! We made it without crampons, but we envied those who had crampons. It was tricky to reach the summit, really icy and slidy. We finally made it and by the time we went down, other people with crampons softened the ice so it was easier for us. Good day after all! Oh and beware of the "lady" at the Garden parking lot collecting money. Because our dog was not on leash when getting out of the car (...) we almost got expulsed from the parking lot -we had the leash in hand and trying to leash the dog while she was "barking" at us...never seen someone as rude as her! Makes you start the day with a pinch of frustration....