thursday weather in the whites

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I don't think it rained today, and my stupid car started acting up and forced me to cancel my hiking plans for today and tomorrow. Grrrrrrrr. At least I saw a bobcat when I went running today.
dvbl said:
did it rain in the whites yesterday? In the a.m. or p.m. ?

Yes, Drizzle Wednesday night into thursday morning, then some light snow, then heavy rain through the afternoon on thursday. Back to snow thursday night.

Today's Weather
atop Mount Washington

Friday, December 30, 2005
Conditions at 4:17 AM
Weather: Light snow and freezing fog
Temperature: 29°F Visibility: 200 feet
Wind Chill Index: 20 °F Relative Humidity: 100%
Wind: NW 10 mph Station Pressure: 23.17" steady
Ground Conditions: 13" freezing sluch on top of hard packed snow and ice

24 Hour Statistics
Maximum Temperature: 35°F Minimum Temperature: 27°F
Peak Wind Gust: SW 83 mph
Average Wind Speed: 32.3 mph
Liquid Precipitation: 0.95" (rain and some melted snow)
Snowfall: 0.2"
We just arrived in Bethlehem and have close to 6 inches of fresh snow on the ground - looked the same as we passed the end of the fire road for access to Garfield. It was snowing in Franconia Notch as we came through at 5 PM.

The trees are all covered with snow - very pretty!
The area just above Franconia Notch (Littleton, Bethlehem, Whitefield, Landaff) received a heavy dose of snow early this morning--anywhere from 8-10 inches. From what I was told today, areas south of Franconia Notch received little if any snow. I had 10 inches in my driveway this morning in Littleton.