Streams were either crossable on snow bridges or by rock hopping; no problems. A very few stepovers and bendunders; no problems at all. Trail was crunchy snow which made for fast moving using microspikes. Some bare patches down low. Monorail only visible in places up to Avalon AZ jct. but above that step to the side of the monorail to be area and there would be a deep posthole, but it was easy not to do that today. Even the mighty tough little dog stayed on the trail to avoid pawpoling. Some deep postholes to the side from prior days between Tom and Field, but not many. However, on my descent from Field at a spot between Avalon and Field, a large group tore up the trail today from there all the way back to the TH. Nice college guys I would guess, but in sneakers, blue jeans and no packs they weren't ready for the trails or the drizzle. On Field there was some snow and rime but they gave up before reaching it. They did a number on the trail on their descent, especially on the steeper areas where they postholed the sides and dug holes in the main track to keep from falling. Still the trail remains largely usable, best with light traction or snowshoes. No sun and no views today but a damp day on the trails is better than a good day at work.