Towing Cars at Zealand Starts 4 p.m. Sept. 5

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Oct 27, 2004
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All of the previous "warnings" about the bridge work at Zealand have given Tuesday, September 6, as the road closure date. (As I write this, the WMNF website is still giving that date as the closure.) But the AMC just posted a notice that you better have your car out of the Zealand road and parking lots by 4 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 5--or else:

[start quote]The USFS is rebuilding the Zealand Valley Bridge over the Ammonoosuc River just off Route 302. The Forest Service will close the Zealand Road on Monday afternoon, September 5th, at 4:00 PM. Any cars left along the Zealand Road after 4:00 PM on Monday will be towed. From September 6th through December the bridge will be closed to all foot and vehicle traffic. This impacts vehicle access to Sugarloaf Campgrounds I and II, and the trailheads for North and Middle Sugarloaf Mountain, the Hale Brook trail, and the Zealand Trail. [end quote]

And here's a link the Zealand road shuttle schedule (priority goes to those with Zealand hut reservations).
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Anyone hit by this should be grateful for the towing, as opposed to the alternative of not getting their car back until May!

(though yes, it would have been nice to know this ahead of time for people not hiking out until later in the evening that day; if it's been posted at the parking area or on the road, that's fine)
One important point, to anyone who didn't follow the link: the shuttle does not run all the way down Zealand Road to the bridge. It will be running between Sugarloaf I and the Zealand Trailhead on a very limited schedule. Anyone along the road or at other trailheads will have to flag it at the right time or walk.

Also, an alternative to fording the Ammonoosuc has been built:

To get to the Sugarloaf I campground the Forest Service has just finished cutting a trail along the south bank of the Ammonoosuc River. The trail is reached by following 302 east (toward the Notch) and crossing over the Ammonoosuc River on the highway bridge. Directly after the bridge the trail turns right down the embankment, and follows the left bank of the river. The trail runs about 1/2 a mile to the Zealand Road, just above the bridge construction. Hiking time from the parking lot to the shuttle stop would be about 30 minutes, or 40 for those hiking with kids.
the signs being post'd about the bridge rebuilding by the forest service are all dated with the year being 2004!!! that's a big oooops!!! :eek:
MichaelJ said:
(though yes, it would have been nice to know this ahead of time for people not hiking out until later in the evening that day; if it's been posted at the parking area or on the road, that's fine)

When we drove by there Sat morning, a Ranger was at the bridge. I tlooked like he was stopping all the cars - most likely to inform people of the deadline.