TR Mountain - 8/2

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Puma concolor

Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Nov 28, 2003
Reaction score
New York
No real heavy lifting here ... nice little hike along the herd path from the Van Hoevenberg Trail. Hiked this one not because it's on any list, but simply because I felt like it and couldn't pass up a beautiful day in the 'Dacks.

A few different sources gave slightly differing information on the route, but this is the brief summary of the condition of the route on 8/2/11. There was no cairn to mark the beginning of the herd path but the starting point was as plain as day. Somewhat past the halfway point between the trail for Phelps and Indian Falls, you ascend an old rotting two-step "ladder" ... at the top of the ladder, the herd path branches off at an angle. The path stays true from the VH Trail all the way to the summit. It isn't one of those new-fangled improved wilderness paths, but an old school herd path. Every so often, you had to test the direction, but all things considered, it was pretty simple. Just be sure to spy the trees with the broken off branches or the blowdown that shows signs of wear. Only saw a single piece of orange survey tape.

Summit was nice ... no great views but you could see Colden and Tabletop through the trees with a little work. Met a cool couple on the way down. Good day.
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