trail conditions

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May 8, 2014
Reaction score
manchester nh
Question trail conditions

I`m curious to know if some of you more experienced hikers have an idea as to how long it might be before I can continue my goal to hike the 48 4k`s without needing to bring snowshoes or not have to worry about sinking into 6 inches of mud? thanks,richard.
Question trail conditions

I`m curious to know if some of you more experienced hikers have an idea as to how long it might be before I can continue my goal to hike the 48 4k`s without needing to bring snowshoes or not have to worry about sinking into 6 inches of mud? thanks,richard.

I would suggest checking out trail reports of routes you are considering. does a good job of aggregating them:,-71.392&z=10 has five years of archived reports...if you go to the 4K section, you can drill down by 4K, then drill down by month and see what other people encountered in past Mays/Junes/etc.
Keep checking the trail conditions, some years it's been virtually snow free (Tucks & the Ice Gulch and King Ravine aside) by mid-May, other year's there's still feet of snow left on the highest wooded ridges & it's early June. (Rollins, Twinway, Franconia Ridge between Liberty & Little Haystack, spots on Garfield Ridge)

Unless it gets warm quick, it feels like early June, two inches of rain and warm nights so you have a 24 hour melt cycle can change that.