Trail Monitoring Workshop - free

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 2, 2005
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N44.55162 W70.32107
Many of you will recognize my frequent appeals for volunteers to help monitor the Appalachian Trail Corridor through Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.

Well, here comes another one:

There will be two AT Corridor Monitor Training Workshops conducted near Hanover/Lyme/Warren New Hampshire May 10th and 11th, 2008. These will be conducted in the field rain or shine on either of the listed dates. Currently there are Monitor vacancies in both NH and VT that need staffing. If you are interested in attending either of these days, email Tom Wheeler nh_hillwalker@

Other weekday dates are also possible which would involve working and learning on the boundary with the Boundary Maintenence Crew from ATC Boiling Springs while they are up here in the area.

And in Vermont from the Green Mountain Club:

"Do you have an interest in land conservation, natural history, and orienteering? If so, you may want to become a volunteer corridor monitor. Over forty GMC volunteers regularly walk the lands of the protected Long /Appalachian Trail corridor to ensure conservation easements are being upheld, maintain boundaries, and gather information. This workshop will cover map and compass use, conservation easements, surveys, boundaries, and natural history. Instructor: GMC Stewardship Staff. Limit: 15."

Sunday, May 4, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., Northern Vermont
See the GMC site for information.
Good on ya jen!

Great, glad to have you in the program. Albiet a bit south of the DOC sections. Still plenty of the trail in the GMC sections :)
Tom, thanks for making yourself available for training me on Friday. I had a great time going over corridor monitor duties. I'll be corridor monitor for the North side of Mt. Cube to Rt 25a

So Jason, I hear you are now chainsaw qualified. Well done!
thanks. I'm gonna put that to use with Hillwalker on thursday on Smart's.
I figured if someone was gonna train me to use my saw for free, I couldn't pass that up! Especially given that heating oil is $4.00 a gallon. :(
Now I just have to find a 10 acre woodlot so I can sustainably cut firewood for myself.......