Trail works this year?

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Active member
Mar 11, 2005
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
(post also on ADKHighPeaks Forums)

Who is going to do trail works this year in the ADK? I never did that before but i would liked to do some works this year. Several trails need big works this year with the several blowdowns that i saw. We would like to go with some others from the forums.
I dont know how to do, but i think Pete you can help us.
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Depending upon the date I would be interested in this - although I have yet to hike in the 'dacks - they sound like a special place.
Thank you Yvon for generating interest in trail work. I recall, some time ago it was hard to get people to jump in. The trail master was Jim Goodwin and followed by Chris and June Behr Chris dreamed up the idea of the trail work patch. Work 46 hours and you get a rocker patch. It fits neatly under the 46R patch. Do more hours, a hundred some, I don't recall the exact number and you get another rocker patch patch that goes on top. There is also a 300+ hour patch. Now the beauty of this is you don't have to be a 46R to get and wear the rocker. My Wife and a friend were the first non 46R's to get the rocker and wow they were impressed.

Now Yvon, don't worry about not knowing how. This is a great group and they will not ask you to do anything outside of your ability. And will be more than happy to show you how things are done. You also don't have to worry about tools. The trail master usually has plenty but you could check ahead to see if there is anything specific they could use. That is if you have tools.

There is another great advantage to joining the trail crews, you can learn a lot. For instance, I was a total klutz with building stuff. After helping rehab at least ten lean-tos I was able to rebuild my porch and garage roofs and saved a ton of money. When we did the Cold River lean-tos the D.E.C. arranged rides into Shattuck Clearing. Once we even had boat rides up Long Lake and then into the Cold River. I can't describe the fun of not having to walk the 12 miles in there. So there are benefits in addition to having a great time.
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AntlerPeak said:
..... the trail work patch. Work 46 hours and you get a rocker patch. .....
let me get my camera and take a picture...


(Ain't digital cameras great for things like that! tough to get the picture, because the cat wanted to eat the patches) Middle one after 46 hours, top one 146, bottom is 346. Oh yeah... and now you get a T-shirt after 146 hours.

The trail master was Jim Goodwin and followed by Chris and June Behr Chris
Current trailmasters are Len Grubbs, Jim Coyne, Sam Eddy, and me. trail master usually has plenty but you could check ahead to see if there is anything specific they could use.
We have all the tools necesary. Heck, we even have a few cantdogs! (small C)

Note that we always have a lot of people for the first outing. June (blackfly season) and July are the times that we are need more people.
Pete_Hickey said:
... Middle one after 46 hours, top one 146, bottom is 346 ...

Pete, how do you accumulate hours ? Is it honor system or do the trail masters keep track? Also, if we walk 2 hours to get to the work site, work 4 hours, and walk back to the trailhead, how much credit do we get? Either answer (4 or 8) is fine with me, I'm just curious.
Tom Rankin said:
Pete, how do you accumulate hours ? Is it honor system or do the trail masters keep track?
We keep track. I am "The Keeper of Time" I have a spreadsheet with almost 1000 names on it.

Also, if we walk 2 hours to get to the work site, work 4 hours, and walk back to the trailhead, how much credit do we get? Either answer (4 or 8) is fine with me, I'm just curious.
If it took 5.5 hours of walking, and an hour of work, and I only gave them 1 hour, how many people do you think I'd get to move a full outhouse. We have simplified things somewhat, and usually give 8 hours credit, whether you've walked/worked 7,8, or 9 hours.
Chip said:
Pete, can you list a few dates that look like they'll be under-subscribed, or does it always remain to be seen ? I know you said June and July.
It's really hard to be sure, however the busiest ones are the meeting weekend outings, and the first one in May. June, July, and Aug tend to be light times, but it is hard to know for sure, until just before the day. Unlike the ADK, which limits, and has everything firm long before, we are much more flexible... the cost to us in this flexibility, is sometimes not having enough people. We rarely have too many people (we usually plan extra work if more people are there), however if there would be a net-thing, where a lot of people say, "Lets meet on jjj VII", the possibility would be there.