Transportation from Gorham to Grafton Notch?

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Active member
Sep 12, 2005
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VTer in PA
I was hoping to hike from Grafton Notch to Gorham next week. Being a soloist, I would park at the finish line in Gorham and somehow get to Grafton Notch to begin hiking. My understanding is that the AMC shuttles do not reach that far. Any options other than thumbing it? (which I've done before - just thought I'd ask first.)

It's about 35-40 miles on the road - a bit far to bike with a heavy pack. Maybe I should go back to doing loop hikes...
Does Bruno at Hikers Paradise still do shuttles?
I didn't think he ran all the way out to Maine, though. I thought he just went out to the AT crossing Route 2.
Bethel Outdoor & Adventure campground has run shuttles in the past when I ran the driftboat down the Andro. The trail somewhat goes along the same path. They might be able to shuttle you also.
I've hitched that very section, although in reverse. Take note, the Grafton Notch to Newry section was very difficult (i.e. we walked almost the whole thing)... We saw mostly Quebec cars on their way down. Is thumbing frowned upon in Canada? None of them would stop.

Of course, it might be a bit harder now since there was just a quadruple murder there a week or so ago...

good luck and enjoy the section!
