Trap Dike on Tuesday Sept. 6th

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ALGonquin Bob

Well-known member
Sep 5, 2003
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Looks like I'm finally going to do it. We'll climb Mt. Colden via the dike on Tuesday Sept. 6. We'll start out from Upper Works. So far, it's RDL and myself, and possibly Hillman1. Tips and advice welcome... -Bob VH (ALG)
Bob/Bob - go at it!! It should be a great time with perfect weather!!

Advise: leave the trap at the right place.

;) kidding... there are some previous posts with good info if you search. I also have some comments cut from previous posts over the years, but they are on another computer. If you feel you need them, give me a hollar. (By the way, I'm jealous...)
AlG said:
Looks like I'm finally going to do it. We'll climb Mt. Colden via the dike on Tuesday Sept. 6. We'll start out from Upper Works. So far, it's RDL and myself, and possibly Hillman1. Tips and advice welcome... -Bob VH (ALG)

Like Bubba said, read our previous trip reports. It looks like the weather will hold, and you should have great views!

Here is the bottom line to me:

If you are comfortable with rock scrambling, you will be fine. If you are not comfortable with slides, this one is pretty steep. You can just keep going up the herd path (stay in the middle of the dike) and you will hit the trail at the saddle. If you bear right, that herd path ends near the slide.

Either way, just take it slow and steady, and you'll be fine! Enjoy!

Tom - Last night I did some VFTT Trap Dike research, including of course, your recent trip. I'll keep that "stay in the dike" option open. Thanks
There are very obvious herd paths that will lead you out onto the slide. I'm going to work on being there. There is only a few real technical spots, I think the legend of this hike is alot worse than the reality. It's one of my favorite hikes.
Nice shots. It looks like they're roped up - do you think it's needed? We hadn't planned on using ropes...
trap dike

Lead climber (dad) was an experienced rock climber- second climber was his youngest son- roping in made the mother feel much better about the ascent. Doing the Dike with Hillman1 and Alistair I had a section of nylon webbing that did help me in a couple of spots in the dike. The rock on the slide is very grippy, the exposure is what could make it tense for some people- everyone is different. It was interesting in the dike to keep looking back and watching Avalanche Lake keep getting smaller- it is in view for a great amount of the ascent in the dike. They did say that the water in the dike was running pretty good- should get better if there is no more rain. That area must have gotten hit hard for Marcy Dam looks full again without the complete repairs being made. Image attached.
Wow! The pond at Marcy Dam was little more than a mud hole when I passed by it last month. If the dike is running with too much water... well, we'll see. Thanks for the information. -ALGonquin Bob
AlG, I was in the area today and the water was running high around 11:00 (late start for TR) and had dropped a solid eight inches by our return a few hours later. Everything was otherwise very dry and moderately low. Remember, all the springs drain into Marcy Dam and it would have filled up even with barely any rainfall once the dam was sandbagged. The weather was pulling out and clearing up nicely as I left. If it holds until tuesday that should bode well for you. Keep an eye on the weather. It looked to be perfect...