triple crown in less than 1 year

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post'r boy

New member
Sep 19, 2003
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well i had this in the speed thread but i thought it deserves it's own....

here's a guy who is 600 miles away from hikin' the triple crown in less than a year..
he started on may 5th!!!! :eek:
check out his stats, close to 60 miles a day!! :eek:
totally unsupported!!! :eek:
words from squeakys mom...Although Squeaky still has until the end of Dec, 31st to be exact , if done by then and no hazzards extreme to get in his way I work it out to the end of the month that the Triple Crown will be done in 237 or so days therefore beating Flying Brian by almost 63 days and Squeaky walked consecutively. :eek:

I haven't read all the reports but...

Seems the PCT 'record' was 83 days set in 2003 by Ray Greenlaw.

What I find very interesting is that Squeaky started May 4th from the Mexican border...on June 4th David Horton did the same!!! Seems both were going for the 'record'! I'm quessing each was unaware of the other(?). Big difference being Squeaky was unsupported while Dave was supported.

Squeaky finished on July 25th setting a new 'record' then Dave finished in 67 days to break that(not bad for an 'old' man). :rolleyes: However, Squeaky was just getting 'warmed up' :eek: Go SQUEAKY!!!

Congatulations to ALL ;) I just love this stuff :D
Podcast interview of Squeaky

25-Year-old Matt "Squeaky" Hazley talks about his Triple Crown feat here: (in two parts)

Fascinating discussion! Especially interesting was his recounting of the AT through Maine and New Hampshire, when he hiked through the October storms. :eek:

His 2006 goal: to break the existing Appalachian Trail record. He wants to hike (not run) it in under 40 days. That's ~55 miles/day. :eek:

(Thanks to Post'r Boy for the heads up on this.)
Machine or not, hiking 55 miles a day would require a 3 mph average for 18 hours a day, that's gonna have quite a toll on anyone.

I also agree, I am a serious couch potato compared to him. But, I HMOH, so I don't care, I just hope he has fun doing it.