Tripyramid Loop - Livermore Road - Up North Slide, 4-26-09

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Livermore Road is mostly dry with a little mud and a few icy patches. Immediately after crossing Avalanche Brook the trail becomes snow covered with approximately three feet of wet snow. Snowshoes would be useful, though we found it possible to climb without them. Postholing, however, was a problem without snowshoes. The North Slide is snow covered except for a few hundred feet near the summit of North Tripyramid. All three summits are snow covered, and snowshoes would help avoid waist deep postholing. The South Slide is mostly dry and ice free with only occasional snow patches remaining.

There were good views from the slides and from Middle Tripyramid on Sunday, and we saw only one other group of three hikers who had climbed up the Scaur Ridge Trail and were planning to descent the Sabbaday Brook Trail.