tripyramids with chance of Tstorms?

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Sep 1, 2004
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Goffstown, NH Avatar: No Once-lers or thneeds
argh! I'm going car camping with a group in the Waterville Valley area, and the forecast is for a 30-40% chance of showers/Tstorms both days.

any suggs as to whether or not to attempt a Tripyramids hike? If I did it would be the Scaur Ridge / Pine Bend Brook / Tripyramid loop (the 12.1 mile one on Mohamed Ellozy's site) to avoid the north slide. Is the South slide something that should be avoided also in wet weather?

My backup plan would be Sandwich Mtn (and sulking :rolleyes: ), or just hanging around in the rain (and more sulking :( )
Do the Osceolas instead! :D

Seriously, you should be fine. Scaur Ridge keeps you very well protected. You will have no exposure until you reach the south slide. The south slide is gravelly but not too steep and it doesn't last that long. The bottom part of it is a nice woods walk back to Livermore. As long as it is not a deluge, you should be fine, provided you don't get struck by lightning! :eek:
the only problem I'd see is if the thunderstorm hit while you were going down the slide. it's in the open and the footing would probably prevent quick escape, especially in a down pour. Granted it's not very long as Double Bow said, so you should be fine.

but why would you not want to go on the north slide? it's the best part. (obivously only on days when thunderstorms are not in the forecast, that would be a really sucky place to be in a thunderstorm)
I'll have to check the weather tomorrow. 30% chance of rain/thunderstorms has me nervous (especially if I do this solo!) on anything w/ steep exposed ledges.

If there was a good chance of rain I wouldn't even do Welch/Dickey.
I agree with SteveHiker, North Slide is a total kick in the butt but one of my favorite hikes ever. Of course, the threat in the AMC guide of "do not attempt in wet or icy weather" should probably be taken seriously.

As for t-storms, south slide isn't really that long or exposed.
Having just hiked the north slide for the first time last weekend, I would say do whatever you can to get out there. Wait til the last minute before you decide bypass the NSlide. The views are worth it. They aren't too bad on the South Slide either. ;)
an interesting way to go is instead of going up Livermore to the slide trail or Scaur Ridge trail, is to instead turn onto Greely Ponds trail and then onto the Flume Path. After checking out the lesser known and visited Flume, head up Old Skidder Path, turn right on Livermore and proceed to whichever trailhead you prefer.

It adds a little bit of time and distance to the trip, but it is all easy terrain with very little elevation gain. And is well worth the detour in my opinion.

as always feel free to disregard my unsolicited offer of advice. :p
Assuming the T-storms would be in the afternoon up N Slide should be fine as this would be in the AM. The South SLide may be the easiest of the NH slides & not too long. more likely not wanting to be on top of a narrow ridge when they hit which the Tri's are eveb though it's tree covered.

I recall this loop being one of teh quicker 11 mile days so if you get a decent start say 8:00 you may be done before 3:00
Mike P. said:
I recall this loop being one of teh quicker 11 mile days so if you get a decent start say 8:00 you may be done before 3:00

Yeah, it's pretty quick as far as 11 miles goes. We started around 9am and finished at around 4:30pm, including a 1/2+ hour stop at the top of the Nslide, a 1 hour stop at the top of the Sslide and a few prolonged stops for snacks and chatting.
Dang! I have to go back do it again because THIS is mostly what I saw :)

The last forecast I saw for tomorrow had scattered t-storms ending around 6am with the day turning to partly cloudy.

Weather forecast now is looking pretty good (< 10% chance of precip in the Campton / Waterville Valley area for Saturday; Sunday looks like the sucky day), though near-certain rain tonight leads me to still avoid the N Slide.

Would it be better to take this loop counterclockwise (e.g. up S slide, down Scaur Ridge / Pine Bend) ?
Bob you must go back, The top of the slides have some of the best views in the area, the South Slide view provides a great view of Sandwich Dome & some of the lakes, different but similar to Whiteface. You can see Washington from the top of N. Slide (you could in 1997) along with Osceola close by
Well, the weather was good enough early enough that I did end up taking the N slide. I think I liked the south slide better (both the views and the terrain was much more pleasant to traverse).

To the nice couple with the black dog named Arlo who gave me a ride back to my campground, if you are reading this, thanks!!!
^MtnMike^ said:
Nice photo. Unfortunately Washington was hiding when I was on the slide Friday (That or the earth shifted it out of view for the day :D ).


We had great views that day. The humidity was lower than it has been for a while. Perfect day for the slide.