Trying to prevent glasses from fogging while hiking

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Jun 13, 2005
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Portland, OR
I noticed on a lot of my colder weather hikes, my glasses tend to fog up more often. Do any of you have any ideas?
I tried getting contacts once before, but was unable to put them in my eyes so I am looking for something which I put on the glasses itself or other ideas.

I've tried everything and none of it works. I was a total klutz with contacts, at first it took me 20 minutes and a pint of sweat to get the things in. Now I'm pretty quick. Contacts have revolutionized my winter activities. Get someone to teach you how to put them in. It'll be well worth the effort. I promise.
2 sources of moisture to fog your glasses:

1. moisture from your skin and eyes
- minimize sweatting
- maximize ventilation around and under your glasses

2. exhaled moisture
- exhale downward

You can also use anti-fogging compounds on your glasses.

I don't have much trouble with fogging and haven't needed anti-foggers. I also have plastic lenses which may help.

My glasses protect my eyes sufficiently that I can sometimes get away without using goggles when others are using them.

Glasses wearer...
I'm with Neil on this one--nothing works well. The worst situation is glasses under goggles in severe cold with wind. You have to cover every inch of skin, but that just funnels warmer, moist air into your goggles.

Oh, and if you think fogging is bad, wait until you experience iced glasses inside iced goggles. What fun! :eek:

I finally went back to contacts, because I'm not convinced LASIK is so good as one's eyes get older. Can't work in the damn things, but they're great for hiking.
I've started using anti-fog wipes on my glasses just before a hike, and I noticed a big difference in that my glasses hardly fog now. I'll be hiking this weekend, and will use this technique again.
Thanks for the responses everyone. I will just try some of the your suggestions and see what works.