Tues, April 21 -- Beer Night in Davis Square (Somerville)


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Sep 13, 2008
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White Mountains, NH
Tuesday, April 21

I have a babysitter and a night free of obligations! Look out! :D

I'd like to have a beer or two at The Burren. 7:30pm-ish.

Company would be welcome!
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Well, the babysitter can stay til 11pm, so I can stay at the Burrow until 10:30. If you roll in later than 9, there's a good chance I'll be properly tipsy and much more interesting to talk to. :cool:

I'll be in the back room between 7:30 and 7:45, probably at a table near the back wall if the bar is full.

If anyone feels like sharing a pint or two, come on by.
I'll plan to come by for dinner. Will be there 7:30ish.

Great -- I should be there around 7:30. Juniper, since we haven't met -- I'll be wearing a black skirt and a gray shirt/black jacket. I'm tall with reddish short hair and there's a tattoo of a blackbird on my right arm, opposite my elbow. I'll go straight to the back and try to sit at the bar, otherwise I'll grab a table somewhere.
It's also free cone day at Ben n Jerries if there is one nearby. Much better than beer, IMO.. :p

I'm tall with reddish short hair and ...

Ya know, there are also those dozen or so photos of you on your hiking blogs...

We'll be there 7:30ish, depending on the thrill of traffic and the agony of parking.