Twins and Hale, Sunday 28th

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Jul 9, 2005
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Stamford, CT
I'm looking to do both Twins and Hale this Sunday the 28th. I am looking to do N. Twin Trail by N. Twin, S. Twin and Mt. Guyot, to the Winway Trail, by the AMC Zealand Falls Hut, down Lend-a-Hand Trail through Hale, and down Hale Brook Trail to Zealand Road. Currently, I'm on my own for this one. Let me know if anyone is interested in joining me.
hike the 28th

i would love to join you dawg but i have to lead a grp over killington-pico loop.i got a nice pay raise after only 2 weeks on the job.someone has to lead these people.i would love to bring them to the whites but too far to drive..see you on the labor day trv??? andy

Just a suggestion, but why not come back down to the N Twin trail via the old Firewardens Trail from Hale. That way you have a complete loop and only need one POV. Nice long day, and one of my favs.

Thanks for the advice! I don't have the Firewarden's trail on my map. Another question, what is the name of the road off route three where N. Twin Trail starts? That is where would like to start on Sunday morning at seven. Then up the twins, and quickly over to Galehead. Then over to Guyot, up Zealand quickly, then over to Hale, and back down the Firewarden's trail to the cars. I'm thinking this will be a 12 hour hike or so. Any more advice, and/or a guestimate on what I'm looking at for time would be appreciated. Thanks again to those who have sent me a message. :)
Len you funny bastid! The access road for the North Twin trailhead is (I believe) Haystack Rd. It leaves Rte3 near a motel that has a name like The 7 Dwarves or some such deal like that.

I cant get away on sunday. But this does look like a pretty nice loop. I would estimate 14-15 miles and 5200' of elevation. But really, once you get on top of North Twin, its like half the elevation is done...

As far as the Fire Wardens Trail, its an abandoned trail that still receives a little use. Ive heard of it, primarily from this board. Ive never been on it but although it would come at the end of a long day, it sounds easy to follow.

I will try to fix my schedule for sunday but I doubt it will happen. I will let you know!
Finding the FW trail is not problem, and once you are on it it's pretty easy to follow. There is one place at about halfway down where there is what probably was a logging yard with its former clearing. The trail wanders left at that point just keep an eye out. The trail gets much more use than the USFS would like, and the footway is fairly well defined even this late in the summer. Anyway, from the top of Hale go approximately N on one or more of the little herd paths. When you hit the correct one the trail heads NE for a bit and is really nicely defined and you will know you have it. I drops down into a little wooded col and then directly back up where the old "Maintained by the Snow God" sign is or used to be. As a matter of interest, when the trail finally turns west and starts to descend, the abandoned trail that went over to the Sugerloafs departs right. I never have found the old trail, but it is there somewhere. When you reach the bottom at Little River, follow the path right along the river about a hundred meters and you will run right into the N. Twin trail where it makes a river crossing. Don't cross the river unless you want to make the loop again :) This entire loop usually took me about ten hours in my early sixties. The climb up Hale on Lend-a-Hand near the end of this long day was always pretty miserable, but the FW trail out was an absolute delight. Wish I could be doing this with you.
I'm sure you can just start right at Lincoln Woods... that way you can hit Owl's head first! Sorry, had to pull your chain knowing your track record :) We're sticking near home this weekend but will look forward to your trip report. have fun. Geri