Umbagog NH questions

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Nov 28, 2003
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There are two river accesses to Lake Umabgog-the Androscoggin and Magalloway. A guide book I have describes an off-the highway parking area for the Androscoggin river launch but discourages launching on the Magalloway, since one must park on the main highway. Yet the Magalloway sounds more interesting. Are there any unofficial launch spots for the Magalloway? Which river might have better habitat for dawn or dusk moose viewing? Thanks.
There is a brand new launch on the Magalloway off RT 16 in Wentworth Location across from the Mt Dustin Store. Call the refuge office and I'm sure they can give you details. Plenty of off highway parking.
I spotted my car three nights at "Steamboat Landing" on rt. 16 right on the Magalloway just a few miles north of Errol while we paddled the Magalloway from Wilson Mills and while we camped on one of the Umbagog sites.

We had rented two boats from Northern Outfitters in Errol. They told me to leave them at the landing and they'd pick them up.

The Magalloway is worth the exploring wherever you park.

... maybe that single shotgun blast that echoed across Umbagog in the dead silence of the night had something to do with the security of the rt 16 parking accomodations :eek:
There a couple of options for the Magaloway. There is a public parking area up past the second bridge in Wilson mills where Rt 16 crosses the river. This is the best put in as it allows you to run the quick water section of the river. The next option is near the Maine NH line at the first crossing of the river. This is where you need to park along the road and its a real steep launch. The Mt Dustin store site must be new and probably replaces this launch. Unfortunately the run from this location to the widlife refuge is not as scenic or as fun as the upper section. The final put in is a the wildlife refuge office, plenty of parking and an good boat launch.

In addition to the official put in site next to the dam on the east side of the river, there is an unofficial one on the west side of the river a few miles up from Rt 26 on 16.
Best put in point on the Magalloway is in Wilson Mills. Nothern Waters can shuttle you there and pick you up at a designated day and time at the Errol Dam on the Andro.