Upper Wolf Jaw, Armstrong & Gothics


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Date of Hike: 5/21

Trail Conditions: Much dryer than expected. Left water proof boots in the car @ garden . . . trailer runners instead. Hiked in Wednesday . . . stayed around wolf jaw lean too. From there, Thursday morning to upper wolf jaw a little muddy but nothing out of ordinary for late May. Only saw one section of melting ice about a third of the way up. A few snow patches between Armstrong and Gothics . . . post holed twice. Orebed from the Gothics col is wet, slippery and green as usual until it levels out. All in all a beautiful day temperatures in the mid 60's blue sky a little hazy in the afternoon . . . nice breeze.

Special Equipment Required: none

Comments: Flies were there but weren't biting . . . will most likely change in the next couple of weeks.

Your name: Brian

Your E-mail address: [email protected]