USGS Topo Map Giveaway on VFTT

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2005
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Waltham, MA Jazzbo & Marty meet Bigfoot on Kenne
I’m thinking of hosting a USGS topo map giveaway on VFTT in near future. I thought I’d run this by moderators first prior to posting. I think VFTT would be pretty ideal place to offer these. I’d probably put it up for 3 or 4 weeks and pick the most worthy recipient and mail them off to them.

My wife and I have been working on reducing some of the clutter in our somewhat small house. The scope of this project includes my gear room and map collections. This is partly related to my getting older and attempting to pass on some of my hiking related stuff myself rather than leaving it to my heirs to deal with. With that in mind I have a large stack of 25 topo maps I've decided to part with. This collection covers most of northern New Hampshire (North Country), regions of NEHH peaks in Vermont and Maine.

I have another 25 or so covering majority of WMNF region which I might also part with if I can find someone who can put them to better use than I ever will. I inherited these from Bill Bowden's wife after he passed away. Bill was on 4K committee, so they tend to focus on regions of interest for New England peak baggers and bushwhackers.

I almost never refer to them as I am something of techno-geek. My principal areas of interest can be dealt with by Caltopo, Gaia, GranitView, and Stonewall Mapper. If I’m planning to hiking in an area I generally just print out 8.5 X 11 maps of area I plan to travel in. I’m pretty much done with bushwhacking remote areas of NH, ME, and VT.
Nice idea. How are you going to select the most worthy? Guessing anyone who would like the maps fits the bill. LOL

At first I pictured getting flooded with requests. I'm guessing that's probably not going to happen. Hopefully I get only one or two or three. I'll be happy to ship them off to most anyone who would want them and or might have some use for them. I thought I'd have use for them when I first acquired them, but that was not the case either. Who knows where life takes us these days.
I'm pleased to announce TEO contacted me about the USGS topo maps. He sounds like an ideal candidate to inherit these maps. Wishing him good luck and happy trails!!!

Thanks again, Jazzbo! I love Caltopo, but there's something especially nice about pouring over physical maps. They were also nice to have in the car when I was in Pittsburg last weekend in case I needed to make any changes to my plans.

So after the next Carrington event, Teo will still be able to go hiking, along with all us other luddites. ;)

After, yes, but not during. My compass would not work correctly, no?
Good question. I am unsure if there is a link between the northern lights and the earths magnetic poles?.

Absolutely, there is. The solar wind is attracted to the Earth's magnetic poles, hence the location of the auroras around the poles.

If a Coronal Mass Ejection is massive enough, which the Carrington Event certainly was, the geomagnetic storm will mess with compasses' effectiveness.