Vapor barrier liner - All day and all night long?

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Feb 28, 2005
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Montreal, Qc, Canada Avatar: Top of Gothics, Adk
I know a lot of threads talk about VBL, however none talk about this specific concern I have. I've been reading up on polar exploration ( for example) and it is highly suggested that one wears the following (or something similar) in extreme cold:

liner sock
plastic bag (VBL)
insulating sock (wool)
(for polar exploration, they add a kartander over the insulating wool sock, but I doubt I'll go anywhere soon where it's going to get -80C).

It's suggested that you allow your feet to breath while in camp. However, I was also thinking (since I'm going to give the VBL thing a try over the weekend) of sleeping in a VBL (for now, it's simply 2 garbage bags taped together). Do you guys seen any problems with having my feet in a plastic bag during the day, then sleeping in a VBL at night?


I have done it, but your feet get really stinky and swampy. I've tried a variation where I pulled into camp, took the VBLs off and let them dry out, then put them back on. It was better than just leaving them on for 24 straight hours.

Ideally, I take them off and go without until putting them back on in the morning. My camp booties are warm enough that they aren't needed.
It's extremely important to let your feet dry at least once a day.

Do a search on "trench foot" if you need any further convincing. Seeing skin slough off in large chunks is gross, to say the least.
hikingfish said:
I was also thinking (since I'm going to give the VBL thing a try over the weekend) of sleeping in a VBL (for now, it's simply 2 garbage bags taped together). Do you guys seen any problems with having my feet in a plastic bag during the day, then sleeping in a VBL at night?

Um... it's late, but somehow the idea of "trench foot" extending to one's whole body makes me think of bad horror movies. :eek: :D