Vermont changing its search and rescue policy

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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Gorham NH
The recent death of a hiker from hypothermia has prompted VT to come up with a better way of coordinating rescues. Unlike NH, VT state police were in charge of S&R and the system had its flaws.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

As an aside, several years ago while hiking on the LT we ran into At thru hiker at Pico Shelter. After cooking supper we were shooting the breeze and he mentioned "I found a dead guy yesterday" He was very matter of fact about this. While camping the previous night at a shelter, he had noticed a tent off to the side when he had arrived the day before and he never saw any movement. Before heading out for the next days hiking, he checked the tent and determined that it was an older hiker that had passed away in his sleeping bag. He saw a cellphone in the tent so he used it to call 911. Eventually he was forwarded to the state police and they just couldnt understand that the departed was in the woods away from a road and that the thru hiker had no idea what the address was. After the police threatened him with arrest if he left the location, the thru hiker got out his map and directed the state police on how to reach the shelter. After a couple of hours a couple of troopers showed up in full uniform and took the thru hikers statement and checked his ID and let him go. After he was done with the story (that I later confirmed somewhat), he mentioned that he had a short day that day so he had to make it up the next day.
The recent death of a hiker from hypothermia has prompted VT to come up with a better way of coordinating rescues. Unlike NH, VT state police were in charge of S&R and the system had its flaws.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE

As an aside, several years ago while hiking on the LT we ran into At thru hiker at Pico Shelter. After cooking supper we were shooting the breeze and he mentioned "I found a dead guy yesterday" He was very matter of fact about this. While camping the previous night at a shelter, he had noticed a tent off to the side when he had arrived the day before and he never saw any movement. Before heading out for the next days hiking, he checked the tent and determined that it was an older hiker that had passed away in his sleeping bag. He saw a cellphone in the tent so he used it to call 911. Eventually he was forwarded to the state police and they just couldnt understand that the departed was in the woods away from a road and that the thru hiker had no idea what the address was. After the police threatened him with arrest if he left the location, the thru hiker got out his map and directed the state police on how to reach the shelter. After a couple of hours a couple of troopers showed up in full uniform and took the thru hikers statement and checked his ID and let him go. After he was done with the story (that I later confirmed somewhat), he mentioned that he had a short day that day so he had to make it up the next day.

I think I have been a bit delusional. I always felt "safe" in VT although I have heard on more than one occasion that you are really on your own out there. Never gave that much thought.

I have wondered why we don't hear of many "rescues in the Green Mtn state. It's because there aren't any. You either have some really good friends, get yourself out, or :eek::eek::eek: (I can't even utter the words.)

There really is not good cell service in the areas I have been in. I would think that if you carried a PLB that should insure some kind of rescue. Wouldn't someone responsible for those calls start to wonder why it was still beeping countless hours after if had been set off?

I LOVE VT and I think come REI dividend time, I will love having my Mc Murdo Fast Find in my pack, although I certainly hope I never have to experience how well it works first hand.

(For heaven's sake. We have 1/8th of an inch of snow and the kids are out of school. Not looking like they will need a rescue in these "blizzard conditions.)
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