VFTT gathering this weekend..question re shelters and a ride back to my car


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The Sikes

Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
New Boston NH
I was think of backpacking in and doing Wright, Algonquin, and Iroquis and camping out there. I have 2 questions....what are the chances of getting a shelter and is there anyone going to the gathering and Marshall Friday that can give me and my kids a lift back to our car at LOJ.

I really want to enjoy these peaks and think this might be a nice way to do it and also enjoy Friday.
re ride

Thanks Harry. I also checked out the Basin, Haystack, Saddleback trek...told Julie about it also...it sounds long but I need to get those and was wondering how to do it....I'm hoping our bodies will cooperate. I put it down as tentative if you are still up for it. I know there will be alot of people hiking this weekend and you may be sick of us.
harryk said:
No problem Di, i'll be doing Marshall on fri from Upper works, and i think we can squeeze the gang into the tercel :), might have to put Adam on the roof though ;)...that way he can keep the windows clean (Leaky Faucet) eh..hk

harryk; Slamdog and i are planning on doing marshall and allen this weekend.
Any chance of hookin up with you either at Spences or at the Upper works on friday?
The Sikes said:
I was think of backpacking in and doing Wright, Algonquin, and Iroquis and camping out there. I have 2 questions....what are the chances of getting a shelter...

Probably the best place to camp would be at Marcy Dam and either backtrack on the Van Hoevenburg to the MacIntyre cutoff or just take the Wales Tail over to the the MacIntyre Trail.

However, a busy August weekend would likely mean a tough time finding a spot to camp on a Friday night. You might get lucky - Especially earlier in the day, but if you arrive in the evening, you would be taking a bit more of a risk. Certainly if you find a L/T with only several people, you can ask them to move over since folks cannot "reserve" a L/T in the 'Daks (with the exception of several at the Loj and near JBL) and they are considered open to anyone until they are full.

The L/Ts fill up quicker than the campsites, of which there are a few on either side of the dam, look for the camping allowed signs - you would jus have to walk around both sides looking for a site.

there is also a designated campsite up the MacIyntire trail on the left, just before a flume. (about 1/2 mile from the Whale's Tail Junction) I don't know if it is still a legal spot, but I have seen folks camped there several times.

It might also be easier checking the ADK Loj for either a canceled campground rental or L/T rental.

Good Luck
I wasn't planning on going to Marcy Dam...am I doing it wrong? The map I am looking at has me going from LOJ by Heart Lake and up that way. and I will be sleeping there Thursday night. Don't know if that makes any difference.