VFTT Rainier Team Update!


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Active member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Boise, Idaho
This just in ... (do you hear the old teletype clicking in the background with a few bells here and there???) ;)

Sherpa has left a voicemail message this evening reporting that "We're all safely back at base," and they're about to get into cars to head out to some undetermined location for the rest of the week that is sure to be "somewhat anti-climatic." Somewhat??? That's a bit of an understatement, I'd say!

He reports: "Everything went well, everyone's safe and everything's cool!"

I'll bet it is. I, for one, vote for a mini VFTT gathering in the Boston area to toast the return of our fellow hikers. They deserve a giant round of toasts! :D
Yeah, yeah, I spoke with Sherp on the phone a little while ago. He was breaking up but i did get that they were all safe. And then ... something about his head wouldn't fit in his helmet or the tent anymore... :D :D :D
Thanks for the reports! That's awesome news - I'll bet the "less-climactic" destination has stools and taps... :)
Gris said:
And then ... something about his head wouldn't fit in his helmet or the tent anymore... :D :D :D

Yeah, I'll bet it'll be mighty tough to "keep 'em down on the farm" after they've "seen the mountaintop." Let's hope the 4Ks around here will be enough to sustain them until the next big adventure!
Gris said:
unless i misheard him he said they were in their tents. Guess they're tired!

SherpaK too tired to head out for a beer? Say it ain't so!
How can they properly celebrate in camp without Shizzmac to carry in the 30 pack, cd player, speakers and 40 cds? :)

Thanks, alpinista, for the update. I've been checking this all night waiting for info that everyone was fine! A Boston celebration would be kickin', i'd make the trip from VT for that no question! A successful, safe, inspiring journey...the stuff dreams are made of, right?
Toe Cozy said:
How can they properly celebrate in camp without Shizzmac to carry in the 30 pack, cd player, speakers and 40 cds? :)

...You mention him without reference to hamburgers and a grill -- that's just what that altitude sucking group out west needs!! A juicy burger!!

Contrats to them!! Seems they've re-grouped and all is well.


You're not getting older dude, you're getting BETTER!

Stay dressed -- winter 4ks are just around the corner!

Rainer crew....

You guys are the best. Congratulations! Glad to hear, you're all safe. Can't wait for the trip report.