VT Long Trail section Sat. 7/9


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Toe Cozy

New member
Sep 1, 2004
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Springfield, Springfield!. Avatar: Spruce Peak Kim

I'm thinking about hiking from Appalachian Gap to I-89 (via the Long Trail...not roads ;) ). My thought is to leave early on Sat. morning to spot cars and get on the trail. Hike to Montclair Glen lodge which has room for 10 people. It's just south of Camel's Hump. Then hike over Camel's hump in the morning on Sun. and out to 89 by early afternoon.

I'd like to be on the trail between 8-9 a.m. in order to get to the shelter early enough to claim a spot, relax, read, eat, nap, etc. I won't be taking my tent.

My husband is willing to help me do a car spot, but it would really make his life easier if I could find someone interested in doing this hike so he doesn't have to waste four hours on Saturday morning following me North to park my car and then turning around to go home!!!!

Any takers?

Ben and Jerry's waits as a reward at the end!!!

Oh! Distances might be good for anyone who doesn't know them:

App Gap to Montclair Glen Shelter: 10.6 miles
Montclair Glen to I-89: 7.8 miles
Toe Cozy, I can’t hike Saturday but maybe we can help each other with car spots. I need Lincoln Gap to App Gap to finish the Long Trail. I could pick you up at Duxbury Road Sunday afternoon and bring you to your car at App Gap where I would spot mine. You’d then drop me at Lincoln Gap and I’d hike up to Batell Shelter Sunday and back to my car at App Gap on Monday.

Let me know if you’re interested.