wakley mtn trailhead?


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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
Coming from the north by Indian lake down cedar lake flow. Is the trailhead before the gate to the campground? I was told there is a gate you have to stop and sign in with your car and I am just trying to get a bearing. if I hit the gate will I have passed it or yet to get to it?
Heading south on the Cedar River Road, the turnoff to the Wakely Mt. trailhead/parking area is on the right, just before the large grassy fields at Wakely Dam. The gate is beyond the field...that's where you check in before entering Moose River Plains area. I don't recall a gate on the spur to the parking area.
Adk_dib said:
if I hit the gate will I have passed it or yet to get to it?
if you get to the gate you have passed the trailhead (turn around and go back 3-4 tenths of a mile).
Several years ago, I drove back there just to check out the area on my way home after a long solo canoe trip. It was mid-May, and there was still snow on the road in the shaded areas - and lots of mud. Looking forward to your trip report, as my wife and I are working on the firetower quest.
AlG said:
Several years ago, I drove back there just to check out the area on my way home after a long solo canoe trip. It was mid-May, and there was still snow on the road in the shaded areas - and lots of mud. Looking forward to your trip report, as my wife and I are working on the firetower quest.

Thanks for the info in this thread. Also looking forward to the report. I'll post a separate thread about our trip to Snowy Sunday.
I will do whakley this weekend and post a report if the black flies arn't to bad. If they are bad (which is usually the case around memorial day), I want to head down to the catskills. If someone would let me know the black fly report for this weekend i ould appreciate it.