Walker Brook


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Dec 25, 2003
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Northampton, MA
I'm considering whacking around the Walker Brook area this coming Columbus day weekend. I've hiked Westmill Brook area extensively and climbed Camel and Camels Hump mountains. Some old posts refer to a bridge that may or may not be private that can be used to get across the river. I'm looking for any words of wisdom as far as parking goes, river crossing and anything to watch out for when approaching Niagara mountain. Is the forest similiar to that of the Westmill Brook area. Any areas of blow down to be aware of? Thanks for any imput. Buddy
If it's within the jurisdiction of the GMC, calling them in Waterbury Ctr will probably get an answer, at least regarding the status of bridges.
Search previous threads, there is at least one with extensive details.
The woods on the approach to Camels Hump, Niagara, and Nippletop are similar to the West Mill Brook area. The only exception is the valley leading northeast down from Niagara which has quite a bit of blowdown/ice storm damage.

The old green sign post on Rt. 9 mentioned in the ADK Guide is gone as of this year. To further confuse the issue, there is now a green sign post about .2 mi. north of the Walker Brook approach on a private road with a chain across it. The approach to Walker Brook is a deeded right of way acquired by the State when the Northway was built. When you find the right road (just south of the two houses - one abandoned), you come to a fork with a sign. To the right is the legal approach to the Northway underpass. To the left is the private road leading to the private bridge that goes to the private camp on the far side. As of this summer there was no bridge on the legal approach, although it appears there are some plans to develop this area and there are some old pieces of steel that may some day become a bridge. After the crossing (water should be down to wadeable depth by Columbus Day) just follow the roads to the underpass and follow the road up along the south side of Walker Brook.