Wapack or Tully Trail 12/10 or 12/11?


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Give yourself extra time for Wapack, unless a lot of it melted off this week I did the section between Nashua Rd and 101 last week and there was 3-6 inches of snow. Based on what's predicted for 12/9 that amount will only increase :) . I've hiked the piece between 101 north to Old Mountain Rd as well, it's a great hike if you don't feel like driving all the way to the Whites.
Don't know where Dugan is....but rest assured she is talking about doing the whole thing--either 18 or 23 miles!! :eek:
I know Dugan is aware of this, but for anyone else out there contemplating the Tully hike we received at least 12" of snow (I live 5 miles from the trailhead) and snowshoes would be necessary. I'd love to go, but don't yet have snowshoes. :(

Also, as of 2 weeks ago all of the bridges except for one along the Tully Trail from the campground to the dam are out of position from the recent flood. The first bridge after the campground is sitting on one bank of the brook. Everything is easily crossable, just watch for thin ice under that snow.

If I can borrow a set of 'shoes from Max, I may be interested in a portion of this hike on Sunday.
Jade, you know me too well!

Sorry guys - got my hike in today. Yes, we have about a foot of snow. While snowshoes aren't necessary, they are helpful. Dugan four-legs must want a set since he kept trying to walk on mine.

I'd be up for something moderate tomorrow morning - say a loop with the Tully Trail and bike path around Long Pond? Approx. 7 miles, likely to be unbroken.