Wapack trail Hike??


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Sep 22, 2003
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East Hampstead, NH
After reading Puck's Quinnipiac trail report it got me thinking to do something closer to home and likely easier than the treks to the Whites.

Looked at the 21 mile Wapack Trail and it sounds interesting, easier terrain, less harsh weather patterns and closer to home. Car spotting a must, and I'm not sure how tough it would be.

I am throwing this out to see if anybody has any interest in doing this later in October, maybe November. Was thinking South to North but either way would seem fine.

If interested, PM or post and if there's interest we'll see if we can arrange dates, times, etc.

Any thoughts on the hike in general- since I have NO knowledge of it other than the trail map- is welcome.
A group of us did this last may Wapack end to end
We did it N to S and it's really a nice hike. Not sure that I can do it this time around, depends on the timing.
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The Wapack Trail is a beatiful hike to do on an Autumn day, just make sure to wear some hunter orange. Myself and a few friends did it S-N back in Nov., 2003, and we encountered 2 hunters right ON the trail at about the 1/2 way point...
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be careful....

you may run into the "missin' link"!!!! :D
p.s. i've done it twice, once in two hikes and once straight thru,both times south to north. it's a nice hike for sure.
Ayup, the group hike that Quietman was part of was my first VFTT event, and the reason I joined after lurking for years.

I'd do it again, either direction. My October weekends are booked up. November is still mostly open, except for an amorphous list of unscheduled hikes on my "to-do" list.
OK- if interested, I can only make it the 19th of November.

I'll wait a while and follow up in early November with anybody that let/lets me know they are interested.
This was also the first group hike that Geri and I did back in May of 2004. The hike lasted 11 1/2 hours, but did include a long filling lunch. We met at 4 AM at the end of the hike to start spotting cars at the lunch spot and drive to the start of the hike. We left coolers filled with goodies at the Windblown XC ski area for lunch.

See our Trip Report for pictures and a map.
Double Bow said:
I've been interested in doing this for awhile. However, I won't know about what dates might work for me until they get closer.

Me too.. I've done short sections up Gap Mtn and N Pack but never the entire trail. It's been on my "HockeyPuck's wanna hike" list for a while now..

Are you planning on a long 1 day trip??
I think that you might be a little confused, the Wapack dosen't go over Gap Mtn. That's part of the Metacomet-Monadnock Trail. The Wapack goes from Watatic to N. Pack. And while it's 21 miles, there's only a couple of steep sections, and they're fairly short.
Thanks Quietman..

You're right.. It's Kidder Mountain I was thinking of. I hiked the Wapack trail to the Kidder mountain side trail..

Sorry for the confusion.. I'm at work and I don't have "HockeyPuck's wanna hike" list close..

Well, as usual, things fall apart.

I no longer have any free time to do this until after Thanksgiving. Guess I should wait closer to dates before opening my mouth- err post.
I am interested in doing the northern half (Windblown north) but I do not think I have a weekend free 'til December.
If it's any consolation, I've been thinking that this would be a great Spring hike! I did a double traverse of Temple Mtn this past Spring and the views were great since there were no leaves yet.

Just something to consider since I know I won't be up for a 21mi hike this winter.
I did this hike South to North in early April of 2003 with my brother. There was still a little bit of snow just to add to the enjoyment. We made a backpack out of it and stayed at the high shelter at Windblown Ski Area. This worked out really well considering that it was pouring rain the entire first day of our hike. The shelter was in great shape and we had a nice hike.
cantdog said:
Now to throw a monkey wrench into this...

Here is another wrench: Windblown Cross Country Ski Area does not permit use of their property in the winter without a pass. They groom snowshoe trails, but I don't think they would permit a party to pass through without paying.
Windblown has shelters that can be rented. That could take care of the camping. My understanding is that Windblown allows hikers as long as they stay off the groomed trails.