New member
Date of Hike: 5/16/2009
Trail Conditions:
Tuckerman Ravine trail to Lion Head trail: Starts off bare; some snow/ice as one approaches the Lion Head trail (barebootable).
Lion Head trail (summer route): Some snow towards the bottom (will melt out fast), quickly turning to bare rock. There is a track across the snowfield, though I wore crampons for extra security. Interesting blowdown to navigate partway across the snowfield crossing. After that, bare trail all the way up to Lion Head.
Tuckerman Ravine trail to Washington: Mostly bare. Two snowfields to navigate - barebooted up, though it was borderline crampon territory. Certainly would have worn crampons had I descended via this route.
Crawford Path/Monroe Loop: A small section of snow lingers above the hut, otherwise dry.
Camel trail: Tiny patch of snow, but 99% bare.
Davis Path: Fantastic until one hits treeline... then snow. Lots of it. Snowshoes very helpful - minimal postholing even though there was no discernable monorail. Oh, and did I mention the blowdowns? So many in places that it's easy to lose the trail. Some extended bare patches between the Isolation trail junctions, then more snow... and mud. Absolutely tortuous for my poor little snowshoes as I scraped them across those nasty rocks.
Isolation trail: Snow/mud until about .3 mile from the brook crossing, at which point it's entirely bare.
Engine Hill whack/Rocky Branch trail: Fun/a bit muddy but surprisingly not bad considering how much I love this trail .
Special Equipment Required: Crampons and snowshoes were very helpful for this past weekend. However, I'm sure the conditions (and therefore the special equipment requirements) will change as the snow continues to melt.
Comments: I've never climbed Washington from the Pinkham side, and am now completely enamored with the Lion Head trail. What a perfect day to be above treeline - my buddy Eric and I timed it perfectly (summits in the clouds as we descended Rocky Branch). Short trip up to Boott Spur a lot of fun as well. Hiked down with Ed Hawkins and gang, which made for an exciting trip out. As trying as the conditions were on the Davis Path, all in all a great hike. I've always wanted to combine Washington/Isolation into a single trip... added bonus to tag Monroe as well.
Your name: Larisa
Your E-mail address: larisa.dannis [at] gmail [dot] com
Trail Conditions:
Tuckerman Ravine trail to Lion Head trail: Starts off bare; some snow/ice as one approaches the Lion Head trail (barebootable).
Lion Head trail (summer route): Some snow towards the bottom (will melt out fast), quickly turning to bare rock. There is a track across the snowfield, though I wore crampons for extra security. Interesting blowdown to navigate partway across the snowfield crossing. After that, bare trail all the way up to Lion Head.
Tuckerman Ravine trail to Washington: Mostly bare. Two snowfields to navigate - barebooted up, though it was borderline crampon territory. Certainly would have worn crampons had I descended via this route.
Crawford Path/Monroe Loop: A small section of snow lingers above the hut, otherwise dry.
Camel trail: Tiny patch of snow, but 99% bare.
Davis Path: Fantastic until one hits treeline... then snow. Lots of it. Snowshoes very helpful - minimal postholing even though there was no discernable monorail. Oh, and did I mention the blowdowns? So many in places that it's easy to lose the trail. Some extended bare patches between the Isolation trail junctions, then more snow... and mud. Absolutely tortuous for my poor little snowshoes as I scraped them across those nasty rocks.
Isolation trail: Snow/mud until about .3 mile from the brook crossing, at which point it's entirely bare.
Engine Hill whack/Rocky Branch trail: Fun/a bit muddy but surprisingly not bad considering how much I love this trail .
Special Equipment Required: Crampons and snowshoes were very helpful for this past weekend. However, I'm sure the conditions (and therefore the special equipment requirements) will change as the snow continues to melt.
Comments: I've never climbed Washington from the Pinkham side, and am now completely enamored with the Lion Head trail. What a perfect day to be above treeline - my buddy Eric and I timed it perfectly (summits in the clouds as we descended Rocky Branch). Short trip up to Boott Spur a lot of fun as well. Hiked down with Ed Hawkins and gang, which made for an exciting trip out. As trying as the conditions were on the Davis Path, all in all a great hike. I've always wanted to combine Washington/Isolation into a single trip... added bonus to tag Monroe as well.
Your name: Larisa
Your E-mail address: larisa.dannis [at] gmail [dot] com