Waterproof Maps


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Jul 29, 2004
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Boston, MA
I now have waterproof maps for Adirondacks, White Mountains, and Acadia. I think I'm a bit spoiled now because to be quite honest, I don't want to use anything other than waterproof maps from now on. Besides the fact that it does rain while you are hiking sometimes, they are much more wear-resistant when it comes to being folded and bumped around inside the backpack.

My difficulty is in finding them. What are some companies who make waterproof maps? I already have Map Adventures for WMNF and Acadia. But that's all they make in waterproof format. I don't think AMC makes waterproof maps. I have plenty of their small paper maps that fall apart after a couple hikes.
There are Tyvek versions of the maps that come with the White Mountain Guide. They're sold standalone. Steve Smith has them at the Mountain Wanderer, and they're surely on the AMC website as well.
You can also buy the waterproof AMC maps at their Pinkham Notch bookstore.

If you have a topo map program, you can print out your own waterproof topos using Nat Geo's Explorer sheets, which are tyvek or something very similar. (There may be other brands too.) They sell the Explorer sheets at EMS and no doubt elsewhere.
If you have a topo map program, you can print out your own waterproof topos using Nat Geo's Explorer sheets, which are tyvek or something very similar. (There may be other brands too.) They sell the Explorer sheets at EMS and no doubt elsewhere.
There are also map sealants that one can buy. Thompson's Water Seal is reported to work. Haven't tried them myself--I generally just put the (prefolded) map in a ziplock bag.

As mentioned, the AMC maps are available in Tyvek, either individually or a bundle of four. (Rather than Map 1 and Map 2 being on opposite sides, Map 1 has a northern Presi inset on the back, and 2 has a Franconia Notch inset, IIRC. 3/4 and 5/6 are the same as with the WMG.) The RMC map that comes with Randolph Paths is Tyvek, as are both the WODC and WVAIA maps.

National Geographic's Trails Illustrated maps are on plastic. So are the ATC maps that come with the ATC guides. Wilderness Map Company's Long Trail map is plastic and they have a new map of the Whites (plastic). (Wow! Steve updated the website!)
The Wilderness Map Company makes the best White Mountains map, hands down IMHO. It's waterproof as well:


For some reason, this map isn't widely available online, so it's not nearly as popular as it should be for the amount of effort that went into it. I suspect that many VFTT-ers still don't have this map.

I am not affiliated with the map company in any way. I just think the map is the best hiking map I have ever seen (to anywhere!)

Clear packing tape works fine for my regular printer paper I will use sometimes..

Despite Map Adventures making a far, far, far better map than the AMC ever could hope to, my favorite maps are free: just go to mapper.acme.com and you get a FULL screen sized topo of wherever you want to go ... but what makes it so good is you also get a precise overlay of satelite imagery. GREAT for spotting a bushwhack to a slide or other viewpoint. Grab a screen shot of each, then mask and blend in photoshop and print your masterpiece! Waterproof it in a ziplock bag. A bushwhacker's dream! :cool:
Thompson's Water Seal is reported to work. Haven't tried them myself--
I've used TWS for many years and it works great. It also prolongs the life of USGS paper maps, compared to untreated maps that have never been wet. Untreated maps tear at folds after a couple of trips, but TWS maps last much longer. I printed 95 pages of maps on standard computer paper for the Yukon 1000, then soaked them in TWS. The binder they were in got soaked several times but the maps survived well enough to be used on my next trip.

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