Waumbek and Weeks, 10-12-09


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Date of Hike: 10-12-09

Time of Hike: 8.5h

Trail Conditions: Starr King trail is in nice shape up to the summit, slightly muddy to Waumbek. Some muddy/partially frozen mud & water sections b/w Waumbek and N Weeks. Overall the ridge had a fresh dusting above 3600 feet, didn't affect traction much. There were 2-3 dozen blowdowns along the ridge, almost all those being between Waumbek and N Weeks.

Special Equipment Required: Traction not needed, but will likely come in handy with the incoming snow.

Comments: This was my first high mileage hike since tweaking my ankle and knee up on the Bigelows the weeekend of the VFTT gathering. With the forecast of snow I decided it'd be best to do this hike before it's snow-covered as I've heard it's a tough one to follow in snow due to the open softwoods. The many blowdowns would certainly make the faint trail tough to follow in snow. Nice long hike in the sheltered woods.

Your name: Party Pat

Your E-mail address: patrick.r.cushing at dartmouth dot edu