Waumbek - Friday 6/24


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Oct 22, 2004
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Massachusetts Avatar: "Heads or tails?!"
Planning on hitting Waumbek this Friday...later than normal start for me, probably at the trail head sometime between 11 AM and 1 PM. I am usually around book time, but this one may be a little faster.

PM me if interested!

Ross -
As my trip reports clearly indicate I hike in tthe rain, hell...I even enjoy it!!
Rain or shine...hope you can make it. Just curious...what are doing if it does not rain? Lastly...what is your avatar?
sapblatt said:
Ross -
As my trip reports clearly indicate I hike in tthe rain, hell...I even enjoy it!!
Rain or shine...hope you can make it. Just curious...what are doing if it does not rain? Lastly...what is your avatar?

LOL!!!! Finally, a comment on the avatar! Since I don't have a digital camera, I need to either get pictutes sent to me by others or find them online. I was tired of my old avatar and feeling a little weird so I decided that I wanted to be David Crosby! Why not? The ladies love him, right? :D

Oy... I've got to find something else... I think I might just have it...

Anyway, my friend Ryan (trail name pending) and I kind of have this thing where we are both able to take off every other Friday during the summer by putting in extra hours over the course of the two weeks prior. Sweet deal!

During these trips I'm trying to work on my NE or NH Hundred Highest and/or help him with his 4Ks. If it's not raining, we'll probably be a trip over Moriah (for him) and Shelburne Moriah (for me) though this is subject to change.

However, after us getting rained on doing Sandwich Dome & Jennings Peak last time and getting rained on again doing Cabot, The Bulge, and The Horn this past weekend, he said he doesn't think he'd want to go out if it's going to be raining again.

If it is raining, I'll still want to get out and I'm not too particular about what I'd be doing. Never done Waumbek in June... :)