Waumbek (via Starr King) - 5/3/2009


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New member
Oct 21, 2008
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Date of Hike: 5/3/2009

Trail Conditions:

To Starr King: The trail is, for the most part, in super shape. There are some long, muddy stretches on the bottom half of the trail, but I didn't find them to be too bad. Patchy sections of snow (more like ice) upon entering the softwoods, turning into an inconsistent (though very solid) rail, of varying depth, all the way up to Starr King. There's one small section just below the summit where the snow is quite deep, although it's firm enough for barebooting. No blowdowns.

To Waumbek: Solid monorail (of hugely varying depth) and dry ground. Snowshoes very helpful, as the snow cover is deep in places. A few blowdowns.

Special Equipment Required: Light traction and snowshoes recommended - I brought and used both.

Comments: Lovely day to climb Waumbek... I had the mountain entirely to myself as I encountered no one on the trail! :)

Email: larisa [dot] dannis [at] gmail [dot] com