Werner Herzog's Encounters at the End of the World


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B the Hiker

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Jan 31, 2008
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Middletown, CT
Those who have had the wonderful pleasure of seeing Grizzly Man know that Herzog has the ability to capture the beautiful but also find the subtle, and of often uncomfortable truths that surround it.

His latest movie is Encounters at the End of the World, currently showing at the Kendall Square cinema in Cambridge, MA, among other places.

In part, it's a travel piece about the Antarctic, with stunning shots of underwater life (and there's more than I expected), and active volcano, and of course, penguins. There is also a powerful and thought-provoking argument that mankind cannot sustain its life on the earth. But the element that caught my attention the most was the focus on the human lives found on the antarctic, from the scientists to the eclectic gathering of characters who make their way down to work there.

It's a movie you could enjoy with the sound off, just taking in the beauty, and the ugliness. It's also a movie to which one could listen, even if the one couldn't see it. Herzog has a fine knack for getting people to express themselves, and in this movie if it seems he's being insipid (as with the penguin specialist), have faith he isn'--he's simply getting a socially-awkward person to show the humor in existence.

Do try to see it on the big screen if you can.
Thanks for the recommendation. I loved Grizzly Man--will have to check it out!