West Mill Brook


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Dec 25, 2003
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Northampton, MA
Hey all, I'm planning a trip into the the West Mill Brook valley to whack around for a few days. I was looking for some imput on the different approaches people have used in climbing the Dix's from there. One approach I was considering is to follow the northern most branch of WMB up to the col between Macomb and South Dix. A fall hike up in there revealed alot of blow down on the south side of the watershed but the north side seemed pretty clear,at least lower down. We left the stream at about 2100' to go up Wyman and the north side of the stream bed area looked pretty clear as far as we could see. The other approach we were considering was to go up the ridge at the top of that same watershed to the same col. Hi or low or somewhere else? Has anybody climbed Sunrise from WMB? It looks thick on the ridge approaching from the north. I assume there's parking on route 9 still.
Think the 1st stream crossing will be more than 10" deep? Could it possibly be frozen? Any imput, suggestions or just stories concerning this area would be enjoyed and appreciated. Buddy
Macomb via West Mill


I'll take a stab at this - climbed Macomb one winter via West Mill - followed the middle branch and eventually surmounted a mostly open ridge-line at about 2200' - Took a direct line up the south-east slope of Macomb - it was not too bad - a bit tight in places, but I don't really remeber all the much blow down. But the snow was deep that year...

If your talking about parking - there is a spot right off 9 that is usually plowed. As for parking near the gate, not sure if you would be able to get a 4X4 back down there and get it back out again, but maybe!