Western Big Indian Wilderness Area, Balsam Lake Mt, Long Pond (Catskills)


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Apr 23, 2005
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Has anyone done any hiking in this area recently?

I am planing a 4 day loop from the parking area on Black Bear Road where the Long Pond-Beaver Kill Ridge Trail meets the Neversink-Hardenburgh Trail.
  • Day one, hike into the Fall Brook Lean-to, spend the night there.
  • Day two, hike up past Balsam Lake to the Balsam Mt. Lean-to, drop off overnight gear, hike Balsam Lake Mountain and Graham Mountain, return to the lean-to for the night.
  • Day three, hike south to the Mongaup-Hardenburgh Trail, hike over Beaver Kill Ridge, take the Long Pond-Beaver Kill Ridge Trail to Long Pond Lean-to, spend the night there.
  • Day four, hike back to the car.

Is there any major trail conditions in this area that I would be aware of? Thanks.
Has anyone done any hiking in this area recently?

I am planing a 4 day loop from the parking area on Black Bear Road where the Long Pond-Beaver Kill Ridge Trail meets the Neversink-Hardenburgh Trail.
  • Day one, hike into the Fall Brook Lean-to, spend the night there.
  • Day two, hike up past Balsam Lake to the Balsam Mt. Lean-to, drop off overnight gear, hike Balsam Lake Mountain and Graham Mountain, return to the lean-to for the night.
  • Day three, hike south to the Mongaup-Hardenburgh Trail, hike over Beaver Kill Ridge, take the Long Pond-Beaver Kill Ridge Trail to Long Pond Lean-to, spend the night there.
  • Day four, hike back to the car.

Is there any major trail conditions in this area that I would be aware of? Thanks.
We spent the weekend on BLM, and it is VERY wet, but I can almost guarantee you that the spring above the lean-to on BLM will be running reliably.

We tried to do a little water bar cleaning and trail hardening this weekend.

Have fun!
Yes...very wet. I'm sure I'll be doing some water bar cleaning as well next week.

Sounds like an epic hike!
Not long ago my brother and I started at the same spot and hiked up to Graham on Day 1. On our way up the NH(Y) to the DB(B) north, we decided to take a woods road somewhere north up the Gulf of Mexico Brook instead (our goal being Graham. Be sure to explore Vly Pond...beautiful...watch out for bear). This lead us to the unmarked trail that leads to Graham. The woods road up the Gulf of Mexico was an amazing walk...steep, clear of debris, beautiful. But watch out for the nettles wherever you are.

Day 2 we took the unmarked trail back to BL(R) south passed the BLM lean-to to DB(B) south back to the NH(Y) to the same starting point on Black Bear Road. Finished off the hike with a few cold ones. Be sure to have those waiting for you as well...it'll give you have time to reflect...hahahaha;)

I'll be on BLM the last weekend of June...perhaps with some family. When are you doing the hike? Stop by...say hello.
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Might want to make sure to get permission before traversing across any private property in the area. There might be some near Graham if I'm not mistaken.
Might want to make sure to get permission before traversing across any private property in the area. There might be some near Graham if I'm not mistaken.

Yes, Graham is entirely on private property. Already on top of it... thanks for making sure I knew though. :)
If we get more rain the entire length of BB Road and the trail beyond will be wet...not a bad wet but wet:rolleyes:
The trail this fall

The LT at Fall Brook is very nice..The locals set it up in the winter w/ plastic covering, a small stove and plenty of wood.
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Yes, Graham is entirely on private property. Already on top of it... thanks for making sure I knew though. :)
You already know this, but Doubletop is largely on PP as well.

Just so folks can see it here, the land is owned by the Gould family (of Railroad fame). Before hiking, you should get permission from the caretaker, Bill Scholl, who can be reached at (845) 586-4056. By respecting the landowners wishes, we will continue to have the good graces of the Goulds, who are good stewards of the land.