Whack-fest-more, the Beaudry!


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Mar 20, 2005
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Maine, Avatar: NE3k
First there was Whack-fest-too, and it was good.
Then came Whack-fest-tree Greenville, and it was a blast.
Now it’s time for more…

Whack-fest-more, the Beaudry!

Whack-fest-more, the Beaudry! will be a 3 day gathering of bushwhackers. Its focus will be the New England 3000’ peaks located in Maine’s fabled Beaudry. For those of you not familiar with the Beaudry, it’s about as close to ‘whackers heaven as it gets. It’s a concentration of 29 remote 3k peaks located north of Eustis/Stratton Maine.

It just doesn’t get any better than this!

When: May 19, 20, & 21
Where: The Maine Roadhouse, Rt.16 Stratton, ME.

Come for a day, spend the night, or ‘whack on through the long weekend!
All self sufficient & self reliant 'whackers are welcome!
Maps here!

I'll be there for at least 2 days. With snowshoes. :eek: :eek: :cool:

When will it ever end??
Onestep, twostep, threestep, four
I'm on board for Whack-fest MORE

Topographic maps and compass or Gps
Which way is up?.. let me guess

Balsam, blowdown, and red spruce
Hordes of whackers on the loose

Stratton, Eustus and Coburn Gore
Batten down for Whack-fest MORE

With less than 3 weeks to go!!, I thought I'd post responses to a few questions I've received;

Q) "Who's coming?"
A) So far, there are 12 who have expressed interest. I don't expect all to show, but, one never knows! (I'll send off a group email soon)

Q) "Where to go? Hopefully everyone won't want entirely different peaks. Even a long weekend would not be enough to hit them all."
A) I'm looking at a fairly ambitious schedule. I'll email it soon. With the potential of such a large & diverse group it looks like multiple (separate) trips each day are a possibility.

Q) "Muddy roads. This may be the biggest issue. When I went... a few years ago in Maine there were problems on a number of the roads we traveled. We got stuck in the mud at one point and had to get a tow. And that was with a 1/2 ton pickup."
A)This will be a HUGE factor in what we can or can not do. There is still a LOT of snow in the woods. Still 2-3 feet above 3000' !! Fortunately the area affords us lots of options!


another FAQ

Q) "Anyways, what's considered the party norm on these fests? beer? lots of beer? or just sleep? gotta know what's acceptable."
A) As far as the "party norm" it's usually sleep... lol. Beer certainly isn't out of the question. Lot's of beer is o.k., a puke-fest it's not! :eek: :D :D The focus is more on whackin' than the drinkin'. The roadhouse is a large community bunkroom. We might not be the only ones there. As the saying goes, Live free of Die... just don't interfere with those who want to sleep!
onestep said:
Q) "Muddy roads. This may be the biggest issue. When I went... a few years ago in Maine there were problems on a number of the roads we traveled. We got stuck in the mud at one point and had to get a tow. And that was with a 1/2 ton pickup."
A)This will be a HUGE factor in what we can or can not do. There is still a LOT of snow in the woods. Still 2-3 feet above 3000' !! Fortunately the area affords us lots of options!
Traditionally a lot of logging roads are gated until after Memorial Day (even some that are open in winter), so you don't even get a chance to find out if you will get stuck. There are several 3k peaks in the area that can be hiked from pavement, just bring the right maps.
the countdown is on!

After last weekends mud filled adventure I'm convinced that Whackfest-more! will be a blast!! The main logging roads really are in good shape... it's the secondary roads that are iffy. Access to some of the more distant peaks may involve some additional road walking. IF worse comes to worse, there are plenty of peaks accessible from the main logging road(s) to keep us happy! We can't lose!

I'll be heading up to the Roadhouse after work on Friday. Those of us who will be 'whackin Pisgah & the Sisks on Saturday, let's plan on meeting at the Roadhouse in time to leave there at 7am. I've been assured these 3 peaks require a full day... and if we can't drive in as far as we would like it will be a fuller day!

Sunday will be another 7am start. The 3 Caribou peaks are well off the Beaudry Rd and on a good day require a bit of a road walk. Those who want to continue on to complete "the loop" will appreciate an early start!

Monday's agenda is a work in process. Depending on (what else) road conditions (and our condition after 2 full days of 'whackin) we have options ranging from mild to wild!

It goes without saying that this is not a guided tour. Please come prepared with the essentials... maps, compass, and a sense of adventure!

Hope to see you all there!!

Will we need to get permission to be on any of these roads or on paper company land?

I'll be up from Friday night to Tuesday afternoon. Gotta get my gas money's worth of scratches, scrapes, and cannisters!
Made a little decal for everyone's car who was in the area for Whackfest :)
