What hangs from your pack?


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Feb 10, 2005
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I've switched to a pack without external pockets of any kind(gram weenie) and it has me wondering what others here have hanging from their packs and how these things are attached...I'm thinking I would like first aid, water treatment and my map handy and some snacks too I guess. Anyone here have more attached to their pack than in it?
GNR said:
I've switched to a pack without external pockets of any kind(gram weenie) and it has me wondering what others here have hanging from their packs and how these things are attached...I'm thinking I would like first aid, water treatment and my map handy and some snacks too I guess. Anyone here have more attached to their pack than in it?

Nope, as little as possible. It falls off, gets ripped off, etc., and never seen again! :(
My day pack has no outside pockets. It's a panel load type pack. I attached a little red mesh bag to the outside of it in which I keep a few basics. Other than that, or instead of that, what I tend to use alot is kept inside the pack just behind the zipper. In other words, burried on the bottom of my pack are those items I seldom use. As soon as I open my pack are the things I use all-the-time.
I tend to bushwhack a lot, therefor I don't keep a lot of stuff danglin' on the outside of the pack waiting for a spruce gremlin to snatch.

Tom Rankin said:
Nope, as little as possible. It falls off, gets ripped off, etc., and never seen again! :(
I'm with TR on this one. With the amount of crap Bird has lost over the past few years (jacket, shirts, coffee mugs, nalgene bottles, camcorder, etc.) I have learned that hanging stuff is a sure way to lose your personal belongings :p
Typcially I have a small nalgene bottle full of trail mix hanging from a beener--whackity, whack, whack...and a kerchief for sweat and snoogies (snot and boogies)...however, I just picked up my new Osprey Atmos 25 which has nice big mesh zip pockets on the hip belt.....depending on the terrain in summer, I may carry my poles too....

marty said:
I use a small fanny pack and also hang a water bottle holster off it. This gives me access to lots of things and also reduces the weight in the main pack.


Agreed. For the solo hiker, a small fanny pack worn with the pouch in fron can keep a number of things easily accessible, while eliminating the risk of losing items that might've otherwise hung from the pack.
Do you really want to know what hangs from my pack? I don't think so. The most disgusting organic matter and unidentified biological substances live there and reproduce. Left to their own devices these entities would quickly form a mucus layer that would make even the hardest core hiker gag uncontollably.

Now let me tell you about the stench....
As Tom Rankin said, as little as possible.

On one side of the sterum strap I usually attach an emergency whistle. On the other is my small digital camera, always secured with an idiot strap. When the occasional situation warrants, my GPS is on a top loop, always secured with an idiot strap.

Less is more.
My daypack doesn't have any side pouches so I often have my hankie hanging from behind the hip strap, sometimes a pair of gloves if it's the type of weather where I'm putting them on and taking them off, and then of course, Nalgene bottles looped around the bottom of the straps.

On the sternum strap, I carry my camera and my Treo/phone. And from a side strap, I have pinned a whistle hanging from a string _ just in case I need to get someone's attention in an emergency (so far, knock on wood, I've never had to use it!)...
Nothing, nada, zilch

used to beaner a nalgene...that now resides 200-300 feet below the HI-Cannon Trail...once tied a fleece to my pack against SK's better judgement...lost that too...luckily, I got it back...

I try to keep what I need on the top of my pack compartment or in the outside pockets.

I do usually have a map and compass attached to my belt as well as a multi tool.
Very little.

I personally avoid packs without at least one back or top pocket. (Side pockets can catch on brush.) I keep additional small items in a uniquely colored stuff sack carried at the top of the main compartment. Keeps the additional stuff almost as accessible as an external pocket.

I have a water bottle holder that attaches to the hip strap. If i'm using my camel back then i'll stuff the bottle holder with some goodies . I do have a whistle dangling from a loop. How many pounds do most people carry on a day trip? I'm embarrassed to say how heavy my pack is when loaded for the day-probably more than most people's pack for a weekend! My biggest fear is that I'll have to be rescued and Channel 9 news will be saying " she wasn't prepared". Now they can say " she was over prepared".
Me!!! Usually. If you'll picture standing with your pack on, bent over 40 degrees, with the top of your pack balance on your hiking sticks and you just hang from it - Try it some time on your way up a long rise. It can be very satisfying. Other than that, I keep nothing outside of my pack.

I still have the vision of the boy scout leader with a pair of sneakers hanging off one side of the frame on his ill-fitting external frame pack and one of those round blanket insulated aluminum canteens hanging off the other side.

It seemed as he lumbered towards me and we passed, every other step he was getting wacked with the canteen or the sneakers :eek: