What's it like going from Table to Lone (Catskills)?


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Nov 27, 2004
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Central New York
We're planning a hike up Table Mt. sometime in the next few weeks and would like to head over to Lone as well. The Catskills guidebook says there's a herd path a little way past the summit of Table (on the way to Peekamoose) that leads over to Lone. Is this herd path obvious? Is it the equivalent of an actual trail? Also, what's the trip from Lone over to Rocky like? Any info. is much appreciated.

Its a nice easy trip. There is not a real herd path, but if you pay attention on your way down from Table to Peekamoose you can pick out the beginings of a faint "trail". Stay on the ridge between table and lone and you will be fine. If the Catapillars have defloiated this area you should be able to keep your goal in sight. From Lone to Rocky is very sprucey,to say the least.
Just recently I tried this walk from Table to Lone. I heard from someone that the herd path was just before the summit of Table approaching from Peekamoose.

Well, I am sure I missed it.

I headed off to Lone on one of the many "faint beginnings of a herdapth" that I found. I managed get get a peek at Lone , set a bearing and headed off towards Lone. Even without the aid if a herdpath, it was pretty easy.
I went on to Lone and Rocky then down to the neversink for some R&R. Up over slide the next day and back out over Table and Peekamoose.

On my return trip after I summited Table and was on my way to Peekamoose,
I found a very definitive Herdpath.
There are some logs on the left that have been smushed down a bit and a very distinctive, almost square rock about 8 by 10 inches and 5 or 6 inches high.

I was so curious. The herd path meanders a bit and at about 50 yards it winds down to the left. That's where I stopped.
It was much more distinctive than any of the other faint trails I found the previous day. All the "faint trails" I found eventually disappeared, this one, on the other hand, looked pretty strong.

I know this contradicts the initial reply, but this is what I found.

I was told by a reliable source that the herdpath was before the summit of Table as you approach from Peekamoose.

Either way you go, herd path or no, it is quite do-able and not that difficult.

I never pulled out my GPS, did it all by M&C and , as I said, a bearing off of line of sight.

Hope this helps (to confuse things , hee hee).

I did get a waypoint for that smushed log and Rock.

Youi have to be carful with herd paths. They come and go. Besides I found it more challenging to stay off the herd paths. I found I wast more time following herd paths than just pointing your compass and going straight. As for the thick stuff just close your eyes and plow through it. :D
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Wont repeat what was said here about the "herd path" between lone and table.

An interesting trip to do Lone and Table (if not a traverse) is to come in on the old fisherman's path along deer shanty and the neversink and then bushwack up Lone following Donovan's Brook as a handrail then you can go to Lone and take your bearing back to table. As mentioned, if you are going back to denning/slide you can go over table or if you're going down to Peekamoose Road, you can go up table and then turn around back to Peekamoose...
