What's the best route for Seward range?


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Feb 26, 2004
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Troy, NY
I'm planning a weekend hike of the Seward range some time this month. I'd like to hike all four peaks and would probably do it as a single overnight trip. I was wondering what the most common routes are? McMartin's book talks about a heard trail going up the north side of Seward, but I've seen a lot of posts talking about a route up Calkins Brook? If I use Calkins Brook, where would a good camping site be that would also allow for an attempt at Seymour? Thanks!

I'd hike the Blueberry Trail to the Ward Brook Truck Trail, summit Seymour, and then spend the night in either the Camp Four (1/2 mile past intersection with Seymour herdpath) or Ward Brook Lean-Tos. Next day, hike up the herdpath on the north side of Seward. Proceed over Seward to Donaldson. As you're nearing the end of your ascent of Donaldson, you'll see a "flagged" herdpath to your right... this is the Calkins Brook trail. Ignore this trail for now... go over Donaldson to Emmons. On your way back, go over Donaldson and pick up the Calkins Brook trail. There is some annoying (but not bad) blowdown to contend with until you cross the brook. After crossing, the path parallels the brook until the land flattens out, at which point you'll soon cross the brook again. After this second crossing, you'll reach a truck trail. Head right. You'll go up an incline, then as you're heading down, you'll first cross the horse path, then the Blueberry Trail, which brings you back to the trailhead.

Calkins Brook is a wonderful trail... much better than the Seward herdpath.

See my Trip Report for more details: http://www.summitpost.org/cgi-bin/trip_report.pl?trip_report_id=1386&mountain_id=595
But he wants to do this as a single overnighter. So...once he gets down from Caulkins Brook, he has to go back to the Ward Brook lean-to and retrieve all his gear, or....he has to lug it with him over the range. I suppose he could do this, but I doubt that he wants to. Best bet is like you said with regards to Seymour, but instead just use the usual herd path up and over the range, then return to Ward Brook via the same path and pack out. A long day. I looked at doing the very route you are talking about, but it seemed like a loooong way from the bottom of Caulkins Brook back to Ward Brook. We just did the "usual" herd path up Seward and returned to Ward Brook.
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I was thinking the same thing. I'm planning on going in there in Nov from Fri. night to Sun aft. and will most likely do it this way: Arrive WB lean-to fri. night, do S, D & E sat., sleep at LT and do Seymour Sun. Swing by LT, grab stuff and head out.
Pretty much the ''classic'' way.
Thanks everyone for the comments. I guess I have some things to think about now. Either I carry the overnight pack with me over Seward and head down via Calkins Brook, or hike back over Seward and pick up the pack at the bottom. Everything I've read about Seward is that the trail from Ward Brook is steep. Do you think it would be too hard to carry an overnight pack up the trail? We may end up making this a two night trip as well. Depends on how much time I have.

One other question, is there a camping area closer to the parking lot? Say around Blueberry pond? Or where the trail/road from Calkins brook meets the Ward Brook trail? Sorry, I don't have my trail books with me.

It ain't that bad (it's steep) but reasonable (IMHO). More wet than anything. It sure is a tought trip, but certainly doable

Here is my -TRIP REPORT- (from the Ward Brook side). Enjoy.
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dinogxc said:
Either I carry the overnight pack with me over Seward and head down via Calkins Brook, or hike back over Seward and pick up the pack at the bottom.
Here's 2 more cents of mine:

According to the map, the hike back up over Seward only involves a little bit of vertical. That, compared to hauling a full pack up and over the range, seems like peanuts.
dinogxc said:
One other question, is there a camping area closer to the parking lot? Say around Blueberry pond? Or where the trail/road from Calkins brook meets the Ward Brook trail?

The private lands lie to the north, so you can camp anywhere off the trail (150 foor rule) towards the south.

Camp near the bottom of Calkins Brook or near any of the streams crossing the horse trail after hiking S/D/E. Then drop packs at the Blueberry trail junction the next morning , hike Seymour, and grab your packs for the mile hike pack to the car the second day.
Or...pack in, drop your stuff at the Ward Brook leanto, grab Seymour and return. Spend the evening, get a good start the nest day and do the 3 peaks, return over Seward to WB leanto, and then pack out.
2 Days 1 overnight, 1 tired puppy when you get back to the trailhead. Long and doable.

Seward range best road!!

;) Hi Dinogxc,

We need Wright-Algonquin-Iroquois-Marshall & Colvin-Blake-Dial-Nippletop-Sawteeth to finish this Fall 46. probably Thursday and Friday.

If all will be good, We will go to Seward Range Saturday and a running day Allen sunday.

Probably it will be a vacation to return at the work next Monday!!!
If You like to joint us for Saturday....just é-mail me.
Have a great time.

Pinpin Jr. ;) ;)

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