Dear All...
It has been almost 3 years since the bombing and I leave you with this. Please go- wander out into the world and help someone. Use the intelligent, passionate energy you have all displayed here and please spread kindness throughout your day. "pay it forward".
Since April 2013 there have been more and more tragedies throughout the world. We all need to show more kindness to others, myself included. So next time something gets your "all hyped up"... remember this.
Go ahead, save it. copy and paste it and analyze all the bad grammar. But mostly know that if you posted on this site and this story. If you read this current post, it's for a reason. I've learn that nothing is by chance in this world. You will be able to help someone...someday even if you don't realize it at the time.
Thank you all for your time. I know your hearts and opinions/ passion are in the right place.

I don't regularly check this site. I think after people were posting, I was overwhelmed. When I finally sat down to get my "****" together for a lack of more mature words, I checked it for a few days and then never signed on again.
It's been a couple years. When someone is in such a state as I was, it's not the best idea to lash out at them. I recall at one point, someone wrote they were so mad they were going to blow the box up and send it back to me. Yeah... because that's exactly what will get across to someone who has just been through a bombing where everythign was blown up in front of them. Mind you they are likely not in their "calm and clear" train of thought at the time and seeking the mountains for refuge. I sincerely hope people who lashed out never have to experience what i did. Again, looking back on this years later I realize most meant no harm, but I hope that this has not just been a learning experience for myself and LNT but for others in their communication to those who are not as well versed as they are.
My reason for randomly checking this site in years is that it came up under my name search on google. I would like you to know (for sole reason of pure curiosity and/or personal knowledge) that I actually had an injury from the bombing. It was not known or discovered. I am choosing to again, put myself out there in hopes to help others who also might be struggling. It is NOT Common, but can with explosions and can be very frustrating. Symptoms can mimick PTSD and post concussive symptoms.
Turns out, I actually needed surgery from an injury sustained during the bomb blast and just discovered the injury a few months ago. I'm doing well, my head feels much better. I had a hole in the inner inner inner (not the middle haha/ as is most common) but inner ear. It was leaking spinal fluid from my brain causing CNS sx. Most common in War combat explosions, fast plane descents and scuba divers.
Because many people who care enough to read this are relatively science based beings. I learned after surgery that the explosion has 3 components. The blast wave travels faster than the speed of sound. From the little I’ve chosen to learn, I think I was randomly standing in the wrong place at the right time in the medical tent.
They took a small graft from the side of my head and patched the inner ear to seal off the leak. For a lack of a better explanation. My reason for sharing is again, so hopefully help someone else someday who is struggling.
It had been almost 2 ½ years and no one ever checked my hearing or gave a thought that I might have an injury. I didn’t even know. Things like this are often not discovered until years later (if they don’t heal) because they are not pressing in the moment of chaos. You are just trying to address the immediate day to day survival.
For me, a spontaneous eye nystagmus, randomly elevated HR, memory loss, confusion, flashbacks and tears didn’t make me think “oh I need surgery on my head.” That said, I'm not looking for anyone to feel badly. I just think in todays' world of chaos, it would be nice for everyone to take a deep breath and think before they lash out and judge others. The best thing anyone reading this might do, is to share with anyone who you might come across one day that is going through a tough time.
Look at it as an opportunity to teach and show others the way.