Where to sell gear..


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New member
Feb 10, 2005
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Casco Bay, ME
Hi All,

I'm wondering where you guys buy / sell used gear. Being a gear head I have tons of nice gear and some of it goes un-used. Where does a gear head sell gear to like minded individuals other and e-scam/e-bay. Is there an outdoor site that has a classified section for used gear? Why has Darren not added a forum for selling/trading gear & gear only? I'm sure there is a reason but I just don't know it..


Maine Coast Photo Galleries
The Bee Hive - Acadia
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ebay. I've bought and sold all manner of gear there. I prefer the 10 day auctions and you should only accept Paypal. It's easier to get started and load photos then you might think.
Ditto on Chip!!! I have had wonderful results on Ebay over the last 4-5 years. Although some cannot stand the excitement of risk (it is sometimes difficult for me), I have found No-Reserve Auctions seem to increase the bid price.
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The Outdoor Gear Exchange in Burlington, VT takes gear on consignment - they're just off Church Street. Good deals on both new and used gear.
Hey, not my thread but thanks for starting it kaibar.

Great info, I'm there.

My opinion, I sell and buy on e-bay all the time. Only once did I get bitten, but e-bay took care of it for me. A very good company.

If you sell though think about this. It costs to list based on the price you ask as an opening bid. A reserve auction cost extra. When you sell you pay based on the sell price. If you accept paypal as payment, paypal also charges you a percentage of what you recieve. So, when you decide on a price you may want to refigure with that.
All of the above is good advice.

The reason I do not allow the sale of gear on this site is because eventually someone will end up feeling like they got ripped off. It might not happen during the first 10 or 20 or 100 sales, but eventually it will happen. I do not want anyone to feel that they got ripped off via my site. It is something that I just do not want to deal with. I realize that it might be a bummer, but it is just the way it has been and will be. I have my limits of what I want to deal with in my spare time.

In the past I have allowed people to give stuff away for free. But I do not want anyone offering anything for sale / trade / rent on the site.


- darren
I've bought and sold stuff on eBay, Craigslist, and The Lightweight Backpacker (must be a member for 3 months or have 15 posts). Also try the forums on TetonGravityResearch,Trailspace (I'm a moderator there) or ClubTread (a BC/Vancouver area forum). There is also a Yahoo Group called outdoorgearswap.
AMC Outdoors

AMC Outdoors Magazine, if you are an AMC member, has a classified section in the back. I've gotten free books from there.
Ragged Mountain outfitter in Intervale, NH has some consignment items for sale as well. I have no first hand experience to give you about purchasing or selling with them.
Personally, I just hoard my extra gear for those cases when an unsuspecting friend gets the urge to hike or backpack with me. Then I lend it out.

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