White Mountain National Forest Implements Fire Restrictions


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U.S. Forest Service - White Mountain National Forest

White Mountain National Forest Implements Fire Restrictions
September 25, 2020 – The White Mountain National Forest will implement fire restrictions beginning Friday, September 25. These restrictions allow fires only in U.S. Forest Service provided metal fire rings, metal fire pits or pole mounted grills at designated campgrounds or picnic areas.
Fire danger is high, and forecasts call for warm and dry conditions to persist for the remainder of September and beyond. All campfires must be completely extinguished before leaving a site. Campers and day users should have a shovel on hand and a water bucket ready for use. Soak, stir, feel, repeat. Make sure your campfire is "dead out" and cold to the touch before departing. Stay informed regarding fire conditions and follow all guidelines and restrictions.
U.S. Forest Service - White Mountain National Forest

White Mountain National Forest Implements Fire Restrictions
September 25, 2020 – The White Mountain National Forest will implement fire restrictions beginning Friday, September 25.

We were fishing around the Whites this week and spent last night at Jigger Johnson campground on the Swift River.

The campground was full and there was a camp fire going on every site by 8 PM. It seemed odd given the "High" fire danger.

The campground manager and hosts have a lucrative side business selling $5 bundles of fire wood!
Backpacked into Unknown Pond two weeks ago and set up camp there. I kept smelling smoke, and as I was the only person camping at the Pond, I walked around to the other sites looking to see if a fire was still smoldering. I didn't see anything. Every once in awhile I continued to smell smoke. On my third day at my site (I didn't make any fires) another couple came in and set up camp at another site. As they stirred the wood in their pit it actually started back up. Unbelievable.
I can't locate anything on the WMNF website, is this still in effect? I'd like to get the hot tent out soon.

Edit: called the Andro ranger station and was told the restrictions were lifted.
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