White Mountains - Oct. 8-10


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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2003
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Newton, MA
I am leading a small coed group of our Special Olympics soccer team, the Hooligans, on a White Mountain hiking trip on Columbus Day weekend. These are young adults in their 20's and early 30's.

I am leading this trip with another person who is also wilderness first aid certified.

Part of my goal for this group, which consists of some very experienced and strong hikers as well as a couple who will probably do an alternate hike, is the social aspect. I seek an integrated experience as much as possible.

If any of you would like to join us in some part of our trip please PM me and we'll try to connect. An advantage I can offer is that we'll be car spotting, at least on Sunday when we tentatively plan to hike the Moats.

We'll be hiking somewhere in the vicinity of North Woodstock on Saturday afternoon and staying at the Hostel in Conway both nights.
Any idea where you may be dining on the 8th? I'll be in the North Woodstosck area Saturday evening after hiking & before heading home.
Govoni's on Rt. 112 towards Kinsmens Notch. (We eat well and in style!)

Cafe Noche on rt. 16 in Conway on Sunday night.